period cramps | s.c.

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You woke up in the morning with terrible cramps. They were so bad that you couldn't even get out of bed. You rolled over to face your girlfriend who was still fast asleep on her side of the bed.

"Sab." You softly said.

"Yeah?" She mumbled with her eyes still closed.

"I'm sorry for waking you up but can you please get my heating pad?" You hesitantly asked her.

Sabrina opened her eyes and looked at you with furrowed eyebrows. "What's wrong? You okay?"

"Bad cramps." You said.

Sabrina slowly sat up and kissed the top of your head before getting up. She went into the cabinet under the sink and took out your heating pad. She came back into the bedroom and plugged the heating pad in before placing it on your lower stomach.

"Anything else?" Sabrina asked and you shook your head 'no'. "Alright. I have to go to the studio in an hour so i'm gonna get ready."

"Okay." You said.

You were watching Netflix on your tv in your bedroom when you got a text from Sabrina saying that she would be home soon. You replied with a simple 'okay' and a 'see you soon, my love'.

Your cramps were feeling a little better so you unplugged the heating pad and then set it down on the floor before going back to your movie.

After about fifteen minutes, you heard the front door open and then footsteps coming up the stairs. The bedroom door opened and you looked over to see Sabrina walk into the room with your favorite flowers and a basket of snacks.

"Sabrina." You smiled at her.

"Are you feeling better?" She asked as she walked over to you.

"I am now." You said.

Sabrina handed you the flowers and you took them, smelling them before putting them on your bedside table. She sat down next to you, resting her back against the pillows as she wrapped her arm around your waist.

"I got all your favorite snacks." She set the basket of snacks on the bed as you rested your head on her shoulder

"Oh God, you're amazing." You smiled as you started to look through the snacks, pulling out a bag of chips.

"How are your cramps?" Sabrina asked you as she took some chips out of your bag.

"Still hurts but not as bad as they were this morning." You told her.

She started to rub your stomach. "Hm. Maybe you should get pregnant."

You chuckled. "Not funny."

"It's a little funny." Sabrina smiled.

"No." You smiled up at her.

"Why are you laughing then?" She asked.

"Cause you're funny."

"I'm funny or my joke was funny?"

You reached into your bag of chips and shoved a couple in her mouth to shut her up. She laughed as she covered her mouth and swallowed the chips.

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