meet the plastics | r.r.

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You showed up on the set of Mean Girls today to surprise your girlfriend, Renee. She's been busy filming and you haven't been able to spend a lot of time with each other.

You walked passed a bunch of trailers, looking at all the names on them to see which one was Renee's. You stopped when you saw her name on one of the trailers with 'regina george' right under it. You smiled as you walked up the steps and knocked on the door.

"Just a minute!" Renee called back.

You waited a couple seconds before she opened up the door. She let out a gasp when she saw you and immediately pulled you into a hug. You let out a giggle as you wrapped your arms around her neck.

"You're here!" She exclaimed.

"Yeah." You smiled and pulled away from the hug. "I figured we could spend the day together. You know, since we haven't been able to see each other because of your filming."

"Well you're just in time. I was just about to go film." Renee told you.

She took your hand and pulled you down the steps. You walked hand in hand to the cafeteria inside the school.

"What scene are you filming?" You asked her.

"Meet the plastics." She answered.

Renee introduced you to Tina Fey. You found out that she was a big fan of your music and she wanted you to make a small appearance in the movie to which you happily agreed.

The costume people put you in some clothes and then Tina stuck you at the jock table with some other extras. Tina explained the scene to you before it started.

The lights in the cafeteria went dark before the beginning of Meet The Plastics started to play through speakers. You and all the other extras did what you were supposed to do and froze.

"It's the queen bee. Don't look her in the eye!" Jaquel yelled to Angourie.

Out of the corner of your eye you could see Renee set down her lunch tray at a table and start to sing. She unbuttoned her jacket and ran her hand over her chest causing your jaw to slightly drop. Thank god the camera wasn't on you yet.

"I've got money and looks. I am like drunk with power." Renee walked over to you and the other people who were standing next to you as she sang. She placed her finger under their chins and closed their jaws. "This whole school humps my leg." When she got to you, she closed your jaw and then placed her thumb on your bottom lip, slightly pulling it down before walking away. "Like a chihuahua."

When you finished filming the scene, you did it a couple more times before stopping. Renee and everyone else went to go film a different scene while you waited in Renee's trailer. When she got back, the two of you sat down on her couch to cuddle.

"Did you have fun today?" Renee asked.

"Yeah. When I came here I didn't expect to be in the movie but i'm glad I was." You chuckled. "Plus you looked really hot. I can't wait till the movie comes out."

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