dog shelter | s.s.

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You were working at the local dog shelter in your neighborhood. You had just gotten back from walking a few of the dogs when one of your co-workers, Sam, came up to you.

"Hey." Sam greeted you. "There's someone here looking to adopt. Can you take care of it?"

"Of course." You nodded.

He thanked you as you walked to the front. You went up to the front counter to see a ginger haired girl, who looked the same age as you, standing on the other side of the counter.

You smiled at her. "Hi. What can I help you with?"

"Hey." She smiled back at you. "I- I came here to adopt a dog."

"What kind of dog?" You asked her.

She shrugged. "Whichever one needs a home the most."

"I think I have the perfect dog. Follow me." You told her.

You walked into the back and she followed behind you. You lead her past a couple dog kennels before stopping at one. There was a golden retriever dog laying down in the corner.

"This is Jax." You said as you unlocked the door and opened it. "He's been here for almost a year. My boss said that if no one adopts him soon, then he'll get sent to the pound."

You walked into the kennel and Jax let out a whimper as he sat up in a sitting position. You knelt down and started to scratch behind his ear. The girl you were with knelt down next to you and started to pet Jax.

You looked at her and she looked at you. "He's an older dog and people usually don't like to adopt older dogs."

The girl glanced at your left eye, then your right eye before she stuck out her hand. "I'm Sadie."

You smiled at her with your lips and shook her hand. "y/n."

Sadie smiled at you before she went back to petting Jax. Jax stood up and started to lick Sadie's face which caused her to laugh. The sound of her laughing made you smile.

"I'll take him." Sadie said.

"Great." You looked back at Jax. "See, buddy? I told you you'd get adopted one day."

After Sadie signed a couple forms, you talked to her a bit to make sure that she was a good fit for Jax. Although, you had no doubt she was. She seemed like a really sweet girl.

"You're all set, Sadie. I'll go get Jax." You told her.

You went into the back and picked up a leash and a bandana. You put the bandana around Jax's neck before leashing him up and bringing him out to Sadie.

When Jax saw her he started to pull you. You chuckled as you handed the leash to Sadie. Sadie took the leash and instead of leaving like you thought she would, she just looked at you. You slightly tilted your head.

"Is there anything else I can help you with?" You asked her with a small smile.

"Uh... do- I-" She stuttered before shaking her head. "No." Sadie walked over to the doors, stopping as she placed her hand on the handle. She turned around and walked back over to you. "Do you wanna hang out?"

"Like- like a date?" You asked as you started to play with your fingers.

Sadie nodded with a smile. "Yeah. Like a date."

You blushed as you smiled and looked up at her. "I'd love to go on a date with you."

Sadie let out a small sigh of relief. You picked up a pen off of the counter and wrote your phone number down on her arm.

You looked up at her as she looked into your eyes. "Call me or text me. We'll figure out a time to go out, yeah?"

Sadie nodded. "Yeah."

You winked at her which caused her cheeks to turn red. You watched her walk out of the shelter. Once the doors closed you let out a small squeal before biting your lip.

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