secret lover | o.r.

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You were sitting down on the couch in your dad's studio. He was sitting at his desk, working on one of Olivia's songs. You were watching tiktoks on your phone while you waited for Olivia to show up. You let out a small giggle when one of her tiktoks popped up on your for you page.

"y/n, you know you're gonna have to get over this crush thing." Your dad, Dan Nigro, said.

You looked up from your phone. "What crush?"

Dan spun around in his chair to look at you. "Your crush on Liv. It's very obvious you're in love with her."

"Okay, but, why do I have to get over it?" You asked.

"Because you and Olivia can't be together. She's my best writer and if you two get together and then break up everything will just get all messy." He explained.

Before you could respond, the studio door opened and Olivia walked in. You looked over at her and gave her a small smile.

"Hey, Dan." Olivia greeted your dad before she looked over at you. "y/n."

"Hi, Liv." You responded.

"Hey. Did you bring the speakers?" Dan asked her.

"Yeah, they're in my car but I need help carrying them in." Olivia looked at you. "y/n, can you help me?"


You stood up from the couch and left the studio room. Olivia followed you out, shutting the door behind her. You looked at her and smiled as you laced your fingers together.

"I missed you, Liv." You told her as you hugged her arm.

"I saw you literally two hours ago, baby." Olivia chuckled. "I slept in your room last night."

"Still missed you." You leaned up and kissed her cheek.

When you and Olivia got down to her car, she placed her hands on your hips and lifted you up onto the hood of her car. She stood in between your legs and slid her hands to your thighs. You wrapped your arms around her neck as you looked into her eyes.

"God, I love you." Olivia said before she leaned in and kissed you. "You tell your dad about us, yet?"

You chuckled. "Are you kidding? He'd kill you if he found out we were dating."

You leaned in and kissed her again. You placed your hands on her cheeks, pulling her closer to you. Olivia smiled into the kiss as she kissed you back.

"Darling?" Olivia said and you just hummed. "We' a secret...relationship...and you...want to public?" She asked in between kisses.

"Mhm." You hummed again.

Liv finally brought herself to pull away which caused you to whine in protest. Olivia let out a small laugh before giving you one last kiss and going to open her trunk.

"We better get back up there before your dad gets suspicious." Olivia smiled at you.

"Wait you actually have the speakers?" You asked as you hopped off the hood of her car and walked over to her. "I thought you were saying that as an excuse to make out."

Olivia slightly shrugged with a small smile. "I mean, that's one of the reasons."

Liv reached into the car and picked up one of the speakers. You slightly smirked as you squeezed her arm.


Olivia playfully rolled her eyes and gestured to the other speaker. "Pick up the other speaker and let's go."

Later that night, you and Liv were cuddling in your bed. She was on her phone while you were laying next to her with your head resting on her shoulder. You placed your hand under her shirt, rubbing her stomach.

"Liv?" You said as you tilted your head up to look at her. 

She didn't respond because she was too invested in her five minute crafts tiktok video. You moved to straddle her, crotch to crotch. You placed your hands under her shirt, sliding them up. This pulled Liv away from her trance and she looked at you.

"I want you." You told her.

"Do you?" Olivia slightly smirked as she glanced back at her phone. "What does my secret lover want me to do to her?"

You started to slightly grind against her. "Just make me c-"

Olivia quickly sat up which caused you to fall off of her and sit on the bed. You furrowed your eyebrows at her in disbelief.

"Are you kidding me?" You asked her. "Is there something on that phone that is more important than spending time with me."

"No, no, no. I-" Olivia let out a sigh as she turned her phone around.

You took her phone and watched the video that she was showing you. You widened your eyes when you saw it was a video of you and Liv making out on the hood of her car.

"Shit." You whispered.

"y/n Nigro, get down here!" Your dad shouted from downstairs. "You too, Olivia!"

"Oh god, i'm fucked!" Olivia panicked. "He's gonna kill me!"

"Calm down. He's not gonna kill you." You assured her as you stood up from your bed.

"You said it yourself that he would kill me. If my daughter was dating one of my best co-workers, I would kill them." Olivia continued to freak out as she stood up.

"Liv, honey." You placed your hand on her cheek. "You need to relax. Everything will be fine. I promise."


The two of you walked downstairs and sat next to each other on the couch, your thighs touching. Dan shot daggers at Liv and she quickly moved over so that there was at least a foot between you two.

"So how long have you two been sneaking around?" Dan asked.

"Nine months." You answered.

"You've been hooking up for nine months and didn't tell me?" He slightly raised his voice.

"Dan, we're not just hooking up. We're together. I love y/n with all my heart and i'll do anything to keep her happy." Liv placed her hand on your thigh and you smiled at her words.

"Hand off." Dan ordered and she quickly took her hand off your thigh.

"Dad, I love Olivia." You told him. "And there's nothing you can say or do to keep us apart.

He let out a sigh. "Fine. But if you two are gonna be together then we need to settle some ground rules."



"No PDA around me, when you two are upstairs together you keep the door wide open, and Liv if you hurt her then i'll make sure you never release a song or go on tour ever again. Got it?" Dan ordered.

"Yeah, dad." You softly said.

"Got it." Olivia nodded.

Dan dismissed the both of you and you went back into your room, leaving the door wide open just like Dan said. Liv let out a breath of relief as she laid down on your bed. You smiled and sat down next to her.

"See? That wasn't so bad, was it, baby?" You asked as you rubbed her shoulder.

"Nope. Not bad at all." Olivia said.

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