substitute teacher | s.c.

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You sat down at your desk in your fourth period history class. You started talking to your best friend, Ryan, who was sitting next to you. The principal walked in and clapped his hands to get everyone's attention.

"Okay, listen up!" The principal called out and everyone quieted down to listen to him. "Your teacher had an accident last night and broke her leg. She won't be able to teach you for a while."

Everyone in the class started to murmur and whisper to each other.

"In the meantime, this will be your new teacher." The principal said, gesturing the door.

You looked at the door to see a blonde walk in. She looked to be about in her 20s. You had to admit she was very pretty.

"Her name is Miss Carpenter." The principal introduced her. "I expect you all to be on your best behavior and treat her with respect. They're all yours, Miss Carpenter."

"Thank you, Mr Cody." Miss Carpenter said as he left the room.

"She's kinda hot." You whispered to Ryan.

"Kinda? Try smoking hot." Ryan replied. "You think I could get with her?"

You scoffed. "No. She's way out of your league. And too old for you."

"She looks about 24 and I'm 18 so it's legal." Ryan shrugged.

"You two." Miss Carpenter said and you and Ryan looked at her. "There a problem here? You seem to be more invested in your conversation then my teaching."

You glanced at the board seeing a slideshow about the holocaust projected. "We already learned about this, so there is no need for me to pay attention."

"What's your name?" She asked.

"Um, y/n." You said.

"Well, y/n." Miss Carpenter picked up a piece of paper and walked over to you. "Considering you failed your last quiz on the holocaust, a review would be good for you." 

She set the paper down on your desk and walked back over to her desk. You stared down at the quiz to see a red F on the top of the paper. You looked over at Ryan when you heard him quietly laughing at you. You glared at him and he stopped laughing.

When the period was over, the bell rang and everyone filed out of the classroom. You picked up your backpack and swung it over your shoulder.

"y/n, can you stay for a little longer?" Miss Carpenter asked.

You rolled your eyes and dropped your bag before sitting down in your chair. You leaned back in your chair with your arms crossed. You bounced your leg up and down as you watched everyone leave class.

Once everyone left class, Miss Carpenter shut the classroom door and locked it causing you to furrow your eyebrows. She walked back over to you and sat on the desk in front of you. The two of you just stared at each other for a few seconds.

"Is there something you needed or are you just gonna sit and stare at me?" You asked.

Miss Carpenter chuckled. "I wanted to talk about your grade. You know you're at a 68, right?"

"Yeah. So?" You asked.

"If you're looking to get that grade up, I can-"

"Look, Miss Carpenter-" 

"Call me Sabrina." She said

"Uh, Sa- Sabrina. I appreciate you worrying about my grade and stuff, but I want to be a guitar player when I grow up." You told her. "I don't need a good grade in a dumb high school history class to achieve that goal."

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