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     I woke up to find myself still on the floor with a pounding headache, it was as though there was a little drunk man running around my brain beating a drum.
      I was out for quite some time and I tried to remember what had caused my sudden nausea...then it hit me! My life time long best friend had completely ditched me on our big night after swiping my v-card to fuck the brains out of my (former) other best friend.

     I still couldn't believe it! If someone had told me something like this would have happened, I would have awarded the person with a slap. I mean,who would have thought that Ian Martins would do that?!

     I touched my face to see that it was wet, I didn't even know that I had been crying. The Niagara falls had nothing to my tear ducts.

    After a while, I managed to stop myself from crying, I checked the time to see that it was already 7:05.

     I managed to drag myself to my mom's room after taking a quick shower. I don't know why people find it odd that I call my mom by her first name, Diana.

       Diana and I are pretty tight, we're more like sisters than mother and daughter. It started when my dick of a father abandoned Diana when she was only six months pregnant with me, because he was too much of a prick to accept the responsibility of being my father.

      Here's something I've never told anyone in my life, my dad and my mom were kind of in love in high school, soooooooooo after about two and a half months of going out, my mom ummmm..... kind of, sort of, got distracted and BAM! I showed up when Diana was only 18 and my "father" was 19.

      So, back up in Diana's room, I greeted her grudgingly and she immediately noticed my grouchy mood.

   "Tori, whats wrong?". Diana asked.

   "Nothing, I just don't feel well."

I replied kind of annoyed she was going all CSI on me. "oooooooh." she said and I noticed a glint danced in her baby blues which I inherited from her.

   "oh what?" I immediately asked her cause knowing Diana, when she goes "oh" her mind is working pretty fast.

   "Its just that I remembered that yesterday was the day you were supposed to get your v-card swipped! sooooooooo how was it?!"

she asked as she jumped up and down like an excited teenage girl in her first date.

     My face dropped, I had forgotten that Diana already knew that Ian and I were going to lose our virginities to each other and it kinda sucks that the night turned out pretty awful.

    Diana noticed, then she dropped her teenage girl act and asked softly,"whats wrong?". Then I told Diana everything, from bitch-becca(which is what am gonna be calling her henceforth)'s message to Ian's sudden departure.

   Diana practically sparked when I was done telling her, she let out a row of curse words which probably wouldn't be advisable for a mother to say. I giggled a little at her frenching and she muttered a little sorry.

   "You mean Ian actually left you just like that?" asked Diana.

   "Yea" I replied. "Kinda sucks, doesn't it?".
  "And that Becca....the nerve she has! sending you the heart breaking picture just to rub it in your face?!" Diana shouted angrily,"I always knew she was first class bitch!"

    Come to think of it, it was all coming to me....Becca's endless flirtous ways around Ian, her extremely tight clothings, her overglossed lips! I can't believe it was that oblivious, I thought as I mentally face palmed myself.

   She had always wanted Ian since she moved here newly, she never actually cared for my friendship.
    Ooooohhhh the curse words running through my head right now would probably make mother Theresa blush profesously in her grave.

Heyo people! *crickets*
umm okayyyyyy to anyone at all reading this, you rock and I totally love you for not deleting this story....yet so thank you sooooo much!
oh, and the picture above is a random beautiful lady whose name i don't know as Diana. I really really hope I see you in the next chapter!

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