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   Whatever idiot who created the alarm clock had better count himself lucky that he's already dead or I would've totally killed him myself.

     My eyes snap open and I groan louder than a woman in labour as I search blindly for the torture device, flinging it across the wall to make it stop instead of hitting the button like any other normal human being would do. oh well, who ever said I was normal? God know this is the fourth clock I've damaged in two months; Diana's totally gonna kill me.

    I had stayed up till a little past 2:00am this morning texting Lace. She's pretty hilarious and I got to know more about her.

    Like, she's the last born in her family with four elder brothers. If you ask me, her dad must be a total sharp shooter with a whole lot of milk to spare.

    She's a few months younger than I am, cannot sing even if her life depended on it, lives just a few blocks away from my house, and has a weird fascination with boys' palms. She got into detention the other day because our French teacher, Madamè Bellë had pissed her off, so instead of clasping her mouth shut like an obedient student, she got up in the teacher's face and retorted,"People like you are the reason I have a middle finger." then obviously, she was awarded with a detention slip. To justify her actions as being right, she told me, "At least I didn't tell her the real thing, she would have died of a heart attack."   

     Lace and I has agreed to meet at my locker this morning 20 minutes before the first bell so we could hang out and head to our first class together, maths. dreadful forever frustrating abosolutely unnecessary maths. 

     In case you haven't noticed, maths happens to be my worst subject in the history of all subjects and I am proud to say, I HATE MATHS. The rate at which I'm flunking the subject serves as proof. I mean, when in my life am I ever gonna need:

              xy+[4 20] >
              x-5y[2+9-7]. find x 

   And why the fuck do we always have to keep on finding x for y???? I mean find your own x by your freaking self! The dude obviously didn't want to be found for a reason; y probably cheated on him with a random letter.

   We show up three minutes before the class starts so we could get dibs on back seats. I wanted the back seat cause I clearly wasn't interested in the class and because I needed to catch up with my sleep. Lace, on the other hand, was only seated at the back so she could get a clear view on all the boys in class.

      Immediately Mr. Conwell opened his mouth to begin his lesson, I just laid my head down and dozed off within two minutes, only to be awoken way too soon from my much needed sleep by Lace shaking me awake announcing that the period was over.  

    Next period was gym which was somewhat tolerable since I happen to like our school's gym clothes contrary to popular belief.

    At the girls' locker room, I slowly changed into my blue tank top with my completely appropriate red shorts, since I was still a little drowsy from my sleep.

     At the gymnasium, while I was obediently stretching out my muscles, Lace's sudden excited whisper came to me ear,

  "Hottie at three 'O' clock is totally checking out your ass."

      Instinctly, I turn around to identify the perv and lo and behold, it is the master of all perverts himself, indeed unashamedly checking out my  backside with an arrogant smirk on his lips. I glare and flip him off, turning the other way around.

     "Torrrrrriiiii! what'd you do that for??! He's cute!" Lace whined.

   "I don't like him." I say simply. She looks at me weirdly and I ignore her questioning looks but appreciate the fact that she doesn't question my attitude.


    A little later into the day, Lace and I are seated at our table at the corner of the cafeteria peacefully eating our lunch that is, until dickface decides to show up.

       "Hi Tori". he greets.

    I carry on eating my pasta and ignore him but he doesn't seem to take a hint cause he carries on repeating "Hi Tori" like five more times until Lace completely looses it.   

    "Are you flipping blind or you just can't take a hint? Do you not see that she doesn't want your sorry ass taking to her, or were you just born stupid? if not, I'm just plain sorry for your parents". She yells at Ian.

   The look on Ian's face is completely priceless. His eyes were wide open in shock and his jaw was practically touching the floor, he was dumbfounded and so was I. No one, and I mean no one had ever spoken to Ian in that manner, that explains his sudden dumbness.

   I felt pride and shock in reaction to Lace's sudden outburst; we had known each other for a few days and she just stood up for me not even minding who Ian was. She was truly a friend indeed. Safe to say, I sniggered out openly at the look on Ian's face.

    "Umm, dude, do you mind picking your jaw off the floor and fucking off this table? We don't want your breath disrupting the peace of this school". A smug looking Lace says.

   Ian's brain suddenly registers what she says and he awkwardly adjusts himself, with his cheeks the colour of a flaming tomato, and walks off from the table still in a daze

    "Omigosh, Lace! That was EPIC!" I say to her behind Ian's retreating figure although I feel a pang of sympathy for him.

     "Yeah, yeah". She waves it off. "Now, would you tell me what the hell is going on between you two?!" She questions.

   I sigh in defeat as I nod and launch into the story of how my life got ruined in just one night.      

Hiya guys!
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