Chapter Three

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Monday, July 5th

School, was over and I was finally free from Sophie. May God bless her, because I don't know why she acts like this, maybe a problem at home or something.

Anyway, enough talking about Sophie, I was heading home with Daphne.

"Wanna come to my place?" I ask Daphne.

"Sure, but can we do homework before anything?"

"Um... Of course."

We continued walking up the street, and stopped at Daphne's place, so she can tell her mother.

"She said okay, but not to get home too late."


We walked more up the street and reached my house.

"Any Woodland member home?!" I yell-ask.

"Me." my father walks out of the living room and greets us. He works at home, in his office most of the days, maybe even weeks. And sometimes, he goes to his actual office, in a building. He owns his own business, he works at a publicity office. He does publicity.

My mom, she works at our local library. She knows a lot about the place. Seriously she knows where almost every book is. Yeah, that's part of her job, but she's and expert.

Anyways, after greeting my dad, and grabbing a snack, we were in my room doing homework.

We had reading homework and that was surprisingly it. We just had to read a book, any book, and write about what we read.


So it was a long moment of silence. Long...

After almost 35 minutes, we finished our homework and freshened up.


"I'm clean, at last!" I exclaimed.

"Yea, yea, can I borrow some clothes?"

"Yeah, uh..." I looked through my closet and picked out an outfit. A floral jumpsuit. Bellisimo. "Here." I handed it to her and she changed.

She came out, moments later, and posed.

"Perfect!" I yelled out.

She laughed and we both sat there for a moment not knowing what to do.

"Lets watch a movie." Daphne suggested.

"Cool, now.. what movie?"

"Uh... How about... Courageous?"

"YES!" I yell-whisper.


The movie was over, and Daphne had left. I had already done everything I needed to do, shower, brush my teeth, read the bible, and pray.

But I wasn't sleepy, so I decided to watch Nickelodeon. Bella and the Bulldogs was on and I decided to watch it, until I fell asleep.

Tomorrow is going to be a new day, that God will give us.

Tuesday, July 6th

Tuesday, the second day of the week.
One more day is going down.

I was in English class and Mrs.Taylor, was as usual, reading the exercise she had handed out. Which, surprisingly, helps understand the exercise better.

Anyways, after mini-reading time. I started to do the English activity. It was easy, so I only took like 7 minutes. Since I check my work, of course.

"Done, already?" Mrs.Taylor asks.

"Yep, I checked my work."

"Ok, you can read a book or something."

I nodded, and grabbed my bible and started to read. I don't care what Sophie says, I will not stop bringing my bible, and I certainly won't stop adoring my God.


A/N: I want to start by saying, that some of the chapters, won't be too long.

Second, I want to say thank you to the readers, for reading my book. 'Thank You'

Third, I wanted to say that the moral of this story is to show people, how God, is our strength at hard times, no matter what type of hard time your going through, the person you can trust is God, he will ALWAYS lend you a hand.

God Bless You!

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