Chapter Nine

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Tuesday, July 20th

I exited torture class number 1. Aka, Math. It was like I was in a horror movie. Numbers everywhere. I can't stand it.

Next was Chemistry, I know I know. Chemistry again. Well lets just say, I have chemistry every Monday and Tuesday. Plus, I forgot to talk to Mrs.Nixon about the eye patch.

That's why I entered the classroom early.

"Hey, Mrs.Nixon."

"Hey, Katy."

"I forgot to talk to you yesterday about, the eye patch thing."

"Right, so explain to me what happened."

"Well, Sophie punched me in the face, because I didn't want to admit that God doesn't exist. But he does and I know it. And no matter what she says is going to bring my Love of God down."

"Wow, that's not like her."

"I know, even Brooke and Grace think so. I don't know what happened, but she's not herself. She would never hurt someone fiscally. Just using her words."

"True, well I'm sorry, for what happened."

"Its ok, it wasn't your fault."

Chemistry passed by quickly, and me and Daphne got an A+. Like always.

"Look there's Sophie." Daphne pointed out.

"I know, I see."

"She looks upset."

"Come on."

"Are you crazy, what if she hits you again or something, we can't risk that."

"I'm willing to do anything to help her out, with Jesus by my side, nothing is impossible, but there's one question, will you help?"

"Count me in."

We walked over to her, and I bent down where she was sitting.

"Sophie? Are you ok?"

"What do you want? Do you want to rub what I did to you in my face?"

"No, I came because I wanted to see if you were ok."

She lifted up her head, finally... And here eyes widened.

"Did I do that to you?"

"Well half of it, when you punched me, it wasn't very serious, but then there was dodgeball, and one of the balls hit my face and made it worse. So you didn't do anything serious."

"Well, this may ruin my reputation, but I'm sorry. But don't tell anyone I said that. Plus I don't have anymore friends, so I don't think anyone will know."

"Well, we're your friends, you just never knew."

She looked up and smiled. Maybe it was the first time she actually smiled at us.

There's a first time for everything.

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