Chapter Five

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Saturday, July 10th

Me and Daphne finally arrived at the mall and began our shopping marathon.

We were here for only 10 minutes and we had already been to 5 shops and we bought stuff on all 5. It was amazing.

I had brand new stuff and nothing can stop me.... Except for Sophie.

I can't believe she was here, and alone. It was weird, and I realized she wasn't alone, she was with her mom, and she wasn't happy about it.

We passed her and she gave us a cold glare. It gave me goosebumps.

I turned to spot her discussing something with her mom. I wonder what?


We were still at the mall, and we were at the food court. I was still surprised, about Sophie being here with her mom, and realized Daphne was saying something so I got out of my trance and started to pay attention.

"And that is my idea for Mondays outfit, what do you think?"

"That sounds great, can you repeat it."

"You weren't paying attention weren't you?"


She rolled her eyes and repeated her whole discussion, about Mondays outfit.

"Now, what do you think?"

"Awesome, sounds good."

"What were thinking about?"



"I don't know, I was just thinking, what if she's mean because of something that happens in her house or something..?"

"Yeah. What does or did happen?"

Then I spotted Sophie and she was heading our way.

"You did not see me with my mother."

And just like that she left. Why doesn't she want me to pretend i didn't see her?


"Mom, can I talk to you?"

"Sure, sweetie, what's wrong?"

"Well, you know how I get confronted at school, by Sophie."

She nodded.

"Well, she was at the mall with her mom, and she doesn't want anyone to know about it."


"I don't know, I'm just worried about her, because she hates me and bullies me because I'm Christian, and I just wonder if something happened to her in her house, that might have caused her to bully me, you know."

"Oh, sweetheart, why don't you just pray for her and ask God for guidance, ok?"

"Ok, thanks mom."

She kissed my forehead, and I went upstairs to pray.

I kneeled down and started my prayer.

"God, I want to start my prayer thanking you for one more day in your presence and to thank you for my courage, my strength and intelligence, I want to ask you now, for guidance, to help Sophie if she is going through any trouble because you are the one who knows what she is going through and if I can't help her, that she may realize that she can go to you. Thank you lord. Amen!"

I stood up and grabbed my bible, and I started to read.

Thank you God, for giving your only son to die on the cross for us.


A/N: Hey Readers!

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And I want to know if you have any suggestions for the next chapter.

So either comment here on the book, or write something on my board.

Thank you!

God Bless You!

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