Chapter Four

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Wedsnday, July 7th

I was heading out of school, with Daphne when someone interrupted, and it was Sophie. I wish she would just leave me alone, but sometimes I wish I could help her. But she never lets me.

"So, where's your little friend, what's his name... Uh... Oh right, Jesus? Did he finally appear?"

Why did she have to talk about Jesus like that? Why?

"Oh, right I forgot, he must of taken your tongue, before he confirmed that he doesn't exist."

Brooke and Grace laughed and Daphne just gave her a cold stare. I wanted to say something, so I did.

"Jesus exists, and you may not know it, but I'll tell you, he loves you a lot, he loves you a lot that he died on the cross for you."

I feel so relieved and brave. Thank you Jesus for my courage and for my strength.

"Ugh! Come on girls, I have to go disinfect my ears."

And just like that, they all left.

"I can't stand Sophie, but I'm just going to pray for her." Daphne spoke.

"Me too. But Jesus knows all things."


We both smiled at eachother and started to walk home.

"Mom? Dad?" I called out.

Daphne had gone home and I arrived a few seconds ago, I guess I was alone since no one was home.

Oh well, I didn't have homework today, so I guess I'll just freshen up and do something around the house.

"Shower taken and now what?" I thought to myself. "Oh.. I know."

I decided to order a pepperoni pizza from Dominos and decorate some things for my parents.

For my mom a DIYed planner and for my Dad a mix DvD with all his favorite Christian movies.

"20 bucks, please." the delivery said.

"Here you go, the money, and a little tip, thanks."

"My pleasure."

I smiled and he left, after that I started to work.


"Honey we're home!" I heard my mom yell.

"Hi mom, Hi Dad."

"What did you do, while we were out?"

"Just a little somethin' somethin' for you guys. Close your eyes and open your hands."

I placed their gifts in their hands, and they opened their eyes. They were surprised and thanked me. It was the least I could do, for all their hard work.

Saturday, July 10th

I was so happy, that it was Saturday, waking up late and no school, aka no Sophie. God is good, everyday, anytime, every hour, every minute and every second.

Now I'm hungry, so I decided to go downstairs and get something to eat.

"Morning mom."

"Morning honey, sleep well."

"With Jesus everything goes well."


I grabbed yogurt from the fridge, and some almonds from the cabinet and mix them together. I went straight to the living room and turned on the television, and to my surprise movies were playing.

Despicable me, was on and I decided to watch.

'Hey Daphne, morning, wanna do something this weekend.'

I texted Daphne.

'Sure, but what?'


'How about we go shopping..?'

'Sounds good to me, 2:00pm?'

'See ya.'

Shopping with Daphne, on a peaceful day. Sounds great. Thank you Jesus, for this wonderful day.

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