Chapter Eight

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Monday, July 19th

Dear God,
I pray for those who get hurt every single day.  Either bullied or because they are involved in things,  in places where their lives are destroyed slowly and little by little.  Sometimes they don't even notice and when they do it's too late.  I pray for those who are bullied just because they proclaim your name and show that their lives are dedicated to you.  I ask that they don't give up no matter the situation. I ask for those who live in countries where it's a law, not to praise you, keep safe those who praise you no matter the law. May they be an example to all those all around the world. They are an example to me and May I be an example to those around me as well. I pray for every child, every teenager, every adult, every elder, every single human being on the face of the earth.  May all the world glorify your name, for you oh God,  you are the God of the impossible and May all the earth rejoice and praise your name.  May they wait patiently for your return. May we all be vigilant and pray every single day and ALWAYS ask for forgiveness if we have failed or not,  consciously or inconciously. I ask for every student in my school and in my block and everyone I know and do not know but love. May lives be saved and your name be glorified through my life and the life of those who serve you oh God. Thank you for everything.

In the name of Jesus.

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