Chapter Six

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Friday, July 16th

One more week of school, went by, and Sophie gets meaner everyday. Just saying her name gives me goosepumps.

And here she comes.

"So, Jesus Freak, where's your friend Jesus?"

"He's in my heart." I respond confident. Her eyes started to twitch and I could tell she got angry.

"He doesn't exist, just admit it! He isn't real! Say it!"

She grabbed my shirt, and we were now face to face, now I started shaking and shaking, afraid she would do something to me.

"You can do whatever, you want with me, but I will NOT, repeating, will NOT say what you want me to say!" I shouted. We were alone and it was just me and Sophie, but I am sure that Jesus was here with me.

"Where's your friend Jesus, to save you? Huh? Oh right, he doesn't exist!"

"He DOES exist!"

"Ugh! Now your gonna get it!"

She punched me in the face and I fell back, and right when she was getting ready to do something else. Daphne appeared.


"Get out of my way!"


"Fine I'll hurt you!"

Then a teacher appeared and sent her to the office. I couldn't believe she did that. What was going on? She changed, to someone even worse.

For now, I just had to say thank you to Jesus for sending Daphne and the Teacher at the right time.

Thank you.

"Are you ok?" Daphne said, helping me up.

"I think so." I replied.

"Ooo.. Come on, lets go to the bathroom, and you know, clean up."

We arrived at the bathroom, and i literally jumped when I saw my face.

"Oh my gosh, is that blood? Don't tell me that's blood!" I started to freak out, just a little, not too much..

Ok, a lot. I was BLEEDING. Red liquid coming out of my face. HELP!

"Hey, its going to be ok. Come down." I breathed deeply, while she grabbed a peace of tissue from her bag and wet it, and started to clean off the blood.

We had gym, and I was not planning on showing up, like this.

"Ow! Ow! OW! That hurt!" I yelled out in pain. Tears formed in my eyes, and I just couldn't hold it in.

"Its gonna be ok." Daphne comforted me. "Do you still wanna go to gym?"

"Yeah." I replied.

"You sure?" I nodded.

We walked to the locker rooms, and changed. We were the only ones there... Since we were...

"Oh my gosh! We're Late!"

"Yeah, but we have an explanation. Calm down."

"Oh right. My bloody, black eye."

We entered the gym, and everyone's eyes widened. Their mouths dropped open, and I just didn't know what to do.

"What happened?" Coach Harrison asked.

"Uh... I walked into a wall?" I said hoping she would buy it, but I just couldn't do that so I told him about Sophie, and some people even laughed. Coach gave them a cold glare and they stopped.

"Are you ok?" she asked.

"Yes. It just hurts a little."

"Are you sure, you wanna play? We are going to play dodgeball."

"I'm sure."

She blew the whistle and everyone ran to get a ball except for me. Except, that Daphne grabbed a ball for me, so I had to throw it, right?

I threw it and it hit no one, but its ok.

But, before I knew there was a small one flying straight for me and my face.

"Ah! Ow! Woah!"

"Stop!" coach shouted. They all did what they were told.

"Are you ok?"

"No not really, not now, it really hurts."

"Let me see." and she took my hand off my eye. "Oh my goodness, you are going to the nurse, right now!" she demanded.


"Daphne, take her to the nurse."

"Yes, Coach."

We walked to the nurse, and once we walked in she didn't say a word. She just stared. I just barely even saw her. I only had one eye. Thanks to a flying ball.

"Ok. I will call your parents, to take you to the hospital."

"They're very busy so.. I dong think they'll come."

"Ok, so Daphne, take her to the hospital."

"Yes mam."

We exited and Daphne accompanied me. I can't believe this happened to me.


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