Chapter Two

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Monday, July 5th
6:50 am

Ah Monday! The worst day of the week, the repellent of all teens on the face of the earth, the start of school.

I like school, taking out the bullies and math, the worst subject of them all.

I HATE math.

These thoughts just give me even less courage to get up. I know its early, but hey early bird gets the worm. So I got up and got ready, pray, read the bible, warm shower, clothes, school supplies, breakfast, brush my teeth, brush my brown hair and out I go, to a five minute walk of listening to Daphne talk about what she wants to do when she graduates and goes to college, and then, of course, my opinion.

"Bye mom, love you."

"Bye sweetie, have a nice day."

Just like that, I was out the door. I met with Daphne a few blocks up the street. She lives just a few houses away, which makes it easy, if anything happens I can just go to her house. Its totally fine.

"So what goes on in the woodland household?" she asks.

"Same old, Same old."

"Wow. Interesting.. I'm blown away."

"Stop being sarcastic."

We laugh, and continue walking to school, I just can't wait to meet up with Sophie. Note the sarcasm.

We arrive moments later and there she is, its like she was waiting for me. Creepy...

"So what ya doin' Christian girl?" she questions, chewing her gum, as usual.

"Going to school.."

"Well, just know I'm the queen of this school, and I forbid you to speak to me."

I don't say a word, why? Because, I won't give in. God is the King of the universe. He is the most Marvelous person in the world, so when someone asks me, who my favorite hero is, I say God and is Son Jesus. Those are my two heroes.

History. The subject where we learn about the old days, and the class where most students just sleep. Literally, Jerry is one of them and he actually brought a blanket to school. I'll admit, this kid was brave.

"The Between The Wars. Can be considered, as a whole, as a period of economic crisis. What crises can surely express, correctly, this problem?" Mr.G, having asked a question, scanned the room for someone to respond, and I was surprised on who he called on.


"Umm... The 1929 crisis, initiated by the United States, which spread rapidly by capitalist countries, whose economies were in interdependence with the US."

"Good, someone who knows the answer. Thank you. Now..." I smiled, as he continued with his class.

Thank you Jesus, for my intelligence.

A few classes went by, and it was finally lunch. I was starving, and I was hoping I would have some peace to eat, but I never do with Sophie always on my feet. And I just noticed she works alone, because her little crew barely says a word.

"So... How was class?" Daphne asked, as she caught up to me.

"Same old, Same old."

"Are you always going to say that, when I ask how something went?"

"I don't know, what is there to say, anyway?"

"Uh.. Nice answer."

I smiled and we sat down, and started to eat our salads. We're kinda on a diet. For now. And for once, no sign of Sophie. Thank goodness. I can finally eat in peace for once.

"Did you decide what you wanted to be, yet?" I broke the silence.

"I was thinking of being a Photographer, you know, taking pictures of models, and weddings, and stuff."

"Nice, but the real question is, Is this Decision solid?"

"Haha, very funny.."

We laughed and continued to eat, and at the last moment BAM!


"Hey, Christian Girl, talk to Jesus lately? But, wait, he doesn't exist."

When she said that I wanted to explode. Jesus does exist, he is alive and he is my salvation, he is my LIFE. I can't stand Sophie, talking about Jesus like that. Ugh!

"What's wrong, Jesus caught your tongue?"

Everyone started to laugh, except for Daphne of course. She just glared at Sophie. I guess she was trying to contain herself like I was. Jesus is my strength. Everyday he helps me, so I won't do something I'll regret later.

"Come on, don't spoil the fun."

"Come on K. She's not worth it." Daphne said walking me out. And behind me I just heard everyone laughing and whispering things to their friends, and I don't doubt they're not about me.

"Are you ok?" Daphne comforted me.

"Yeah. Thanks."

One more battle, fought with Jesus and my best friend beside me.

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