Chapter Ten

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Friday, July 23rd
Lunch Time

The last few days went by well. Sophie started to hang with us. And when I say us I mean:

Daphne and

I started to talk about Jesus to them and invite them to church and they accepted.

"Do you guys wanna have a major sleepover at my place?" I ask the girls, they look at eachother and nod in agreement.

"Cool, and bring clothes because on Sunday we are going to church and on Saturday what do you guys want to do?"

"Um.. I know, you have a backyard right?" Sophie asks.

"Yea, why?"

"I have an idea."
Saturday, July 24th

My parents, were working and they left me and the girls alone. They were happy with what I was doing. I was finally getting Sophie and Brooke and Grace to Jesus. Yet, I still don't know why Sophie and the girls were acting that way.

Anyways, I'll ask her later. The girls were doing something in the backyard and I don't know what is was. They said it was a surprise. Which only made me even more curious.

I was currently sitting on a bean bag in my room, reading the bible. In the book of Psalms, the well known book to everyone. Even to those who aren't Christian.

That's when I hear one of the girls calling me.

"Coming!" I exclaim in response.

I walk downstairs and Daphne blind folds me.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Its a surprise, duh." Daphne replied 'matter a factly'

As she guided me to the backyard, I could hear people talking and laughing. Then I felt Daphne unbind me and once my vision adjusted I could see a lot of people from school, and Pastor Bill.

"Hello, Pastor Bill."

"Hello, Katy. Like the surprise."

"Yes. Are you going to preach?"

"Actually no. Sophie is."

"Wait, really?" my eyes widened Sophie the girl that used to bully me about being Christian, is going to preach?!


Then Sophie walked up on stage.

"Hey guys, um.. I really don't know where to start. But I do know what to say. I'm known as the bully of the school, and I would bully Katy even more. And one day I actually got so bad that I punched her, and even doing that she didn't give up on me, or leave my side. She said that she was my friend and Daphne did the same. She called me to go with her to the hospital to take her eye patch off, and she invited me to her house, but the mist important thing that touched was when she started to talk about the love of God. I would bully her because I was lost. I didn't want to think about God. As some of you know my dad died and that really upset me. And I hated God for taking him away from me. That's what led me to get worse. And I regret it. I learned that God works in mysterious ways, and no matter what happens he knows what he's doing, everything happens for a reason. So I'm here because I want to accept God as my only Savior. And I was hope that you will all join me. But first, Pastor Bill will you pray for me?"

Pastor Bill, walked up the mini stage the girls set up and started to pray for her. And as he prayed I looked around and so many teens our age started to cry and hug eachother and I felt in my heart that this mission has just started.

"Thank you, Pastor Bill. Now, will you guys join me?"

From that moment Me, Daphne, and Pastor Bill started to pray for everyone who was here, because they all wanted to accept Jesus as their Christ. Brooke, Grace also accepted. They were the first, to raise their hands.

"Thank you." Sophie said approaching me , and giving me a warm hug. I hugged her back, and once we let go i told her, "I didn't do it alone, Jesus was by my side the whole time, and he was the one who gave me strength and courage to help you, and now that you've accepted him, there is a huge party in heaven. Same goes to everyone that has accepted Christ, and guess what? They accepted Christ because of your testimony, that's why God is smiling widely at your work."

"Thank you. But, how do you know he's smiling? Or that he's even happy?"

"The Bible."

"And how do you know when not to be afraid?"

"Jesus said, 365 times not to fear, in the bible."

"Did you count?"

"No, I saw it in Facing the Giants"

We giggled and right then, there was a start of something wonderful.

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