Chapter Twelve

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September 2nd
The surprise

I was about to exit the house with the girls. But they blind folded me. "What?!"

"Its a surprise, no peeking." Grace said.

She guided me to the car and sat next to me. As she did that, I could tell I was in the back seat. It was a long drive, and I was beginning to get impatient.

Then I felt the car stop. So I guess we're here. "One step, now another step." I heard Grace say, as she guided me out of the car. Then she un-blinded me.

In front of me, stood a House and I was curious of why I was here. It looked like a mansion, and I guess it was.

"Guys, where are we?" I ask, a little nervous, thinking we were lost.

"Ok, so this is your building."

"What?!" now I'm curious.

"We, along with Pastor Bill, thought this can be your little Youth Group House. You know bring teens and adults and people who are lost, here and preach to them, bring people to give testimonies and bring the word of God, to people who need help."

"Oh my Gosh! Thank You Guys!" I started to jump, and hug them. This was the best surprise ever. I couldn't believe this was happening. This can be my church.

As I entered the House, there were stairs in the middle, chandeliers hanging above my head, a kitchen, a living room. And up the stairs were 6 rooms. I was so excited, to see how this would turn out.

"THANK YOU GOD!" I screamed.


A/N: Short chapter, sorry.

But I'm just here to say that this book is coming to its end.

But I also have some good news. I am starting to write a new book. Called Hope. So go check it out. Thank you.

Not my best, but I will get better.

God Bless!

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