Chapter One

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July 4, Sunday

My name is Katy Woodland and I think you would know by now, but I'm just going to tell you, I'm Christian, and I'm not ashamed. 

Sure I get bullied, because I'm Christian, but that is no reason to stop being Christian.

I go to Franklin High and I'm a Freshman. I get bullied a lot, like I said before. I get bullied a lot by Sophie Collins and her Crew, Grace Phillips and Brooke Valentine.

Sophie Collins, the most popular girl in school, Blonde hair, and blue eyes.. She practically has everyone falling at her feet, wanting to be her friend.

Grace Phillips, the second most popular girl in school, one of Sophie's minions. She has black hair and hazel green eyes, and she's not that bad as Sophie is. She's just one of Sophie's followers.

Last but not least, Brooke Valentine, she's the third most popular girl. We used to be friends, but she chose to start bring friends with Sophie, so she began to be mean to me, so I stopped hanging out with her. She has brown hair and brown eyes, and she's almost like Grace. Like I said before, she's just one of the followers.

"Earth to Katy!" Daphne exclaimed, breaking me out of my trance. "Did you hear me?" she questioned. "No, sorry. I was thinking about the Sophie and her crew, you know the populars."

"Come on K, enjoy the fourth day of July, stop thinking about... Her."

"I know, I know."

Me and Daphne have been friends, ever since... Well... Forever. She was also friends with Brooke, and ever since Brooke left us to be with Sophie, we became closer friends.

Daphne, is Christian just like me, but she doesn't get bullied, I really don't know why, but she's my friend, so I really don't mind as long as she keeps on helping me at the hard times.

Bed Sweet Bed. He was calling me, I couldn't resist. My bed is soft and full of comfort, I couldn't wait another minute to sleep in him.
So I freshened up, put on my PJ's, read the bible, prayed and went to sleep. I'm going to need all the rest I can get.


Because tomorrow the battle begins...


A/N: First Chapter, YaY! I am so excited for this book, I hope that you guys like it, I would really love for some votes and comments. Because if you comment some things, I need to improve or maybe even some suggestions for the next chapters and stuff like that. But besides that hope you enjoy and God Bless!

P.S. Sorry for any misspelling, editing will happen when the book is completed or when I can't wait to edit. LOL.

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