Chapter Seven

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Friday, July 16th

My mother barged in the hospital room, where I was sitting waiting to be attended.

"Oh thank God, you're ok!" she shouted.

"Hi, mom." I said calmly.

"What happened?"

"Sophie happened." Daphne responded.
"Oh Honey, does it hurt?"

"Yea, a little."

"Thank you Daphne."

"No problem, Mrs.Woodland."

The doctor came in and explained the whole process and the one thing I actually paid more attention on was that I had to use an eye patch for a week, because of some stitches.

He said that the ball that hit my eye, made the situation a little bit worse. Once again, thank you to whoever through that ball. Note the sarcasm.

I was standing in front of my mirror, at home, and just couldn't believe what I was wearing.

An eye patch.

"You can match a lot of things, with that. Why? Because its black, and black goes with everything." Daphne said, this was her attempt to comfort me while I try to figure out, what I'm going to do or say, when I go to school on Monday.

"Yeah, I know but I'm just worried about how people will react, especially Sophie."

"Look, don't worry about her, she's the reason you're wearing that thing in the first place. And only God knows why she acted that way."


I was fighting to find out why she was acting even worse. She wanted me to admit that Jesus didn't exist, but he does and I know that.

Oh God, Guide me, and help me to help Sophie with any of her problems.
Sunday, July 18th

"We are going to be late!" Mom shouted from down the stairs. I was finishing getting ready to go to church, while mom was downstairs all ready to go.

"Coming!" I shouted back.

I ran downstairs and accompanied my parents to church. It wasn't so far from our house. So it was walking distance.

We arrived moments later, and took our seats. And as usual I would sit next to Daphne.

The Choir was singing, and everyone was full of Joy, singing along. Everyone was smiling and laughing and praising the Lord, the almighty one.

"I would like to call up here, Katy Woodland." Pastor Bill called, from the microphone.

I walked up the mini stairs, and up the altar. I thanked Pastor Bill and started to speak.

"Good Morning everyone!" I exclaimed.

"Good Morning." everyone said together.

"A lot of you might be asking, 'what is Katy doing with an eyepatch over her eye. Well lets just say it was at school, and I was being bullied. I'm fine now because Jesus didn't permit that something worse happened."


"I won't say any names, but that person is a girl, and I'm not bullied because of my height, or because of how I talk, or because I'm smart, or because of any other reason, I'm bullied because I serve the Big Guy in the Sky, but I don't let any of her words bring me or my Love for God down, No I won't, everyday I pray for her life and for Jesus to give me Guidance, because I feel that she is having problems and that she needs help. I pray, so that I may have the strength and the courage to help, not only her, but any other teenager in my school who may or may not have the same problems."

"Alleluia, Amen, Praise the Lord."

"Because I believe the we, as a church, as a family, was put here in this world, in this place, for a reason. We each have a mission, and that mission is to help someone and do something to do our part in Gods plan for the world. We are here to win lives for Jesus Christ, our Savior!"


"And I believe that we all one day will have completed our mission and gone to that Holy Place in the Sky! Amen!"


"Thank You!"

I handed the microphone back to Pastor Bill and went back to my seat.

'The Ultimate Mission Begins'

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