Cadet Twitch

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Twitch Strucktor : Taniyah Christine "Twitch" Strucktor, sometimes nicknamed "Twitchy" and also known as "Cadet Twitch", is a young Sulphur-crested cockatoo who is a Level 2 construction cadet

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Twitch Strucktor : Taniyah Christine "Twitch" Strucktor, sometimes nicknamed "Twitchy" and also known as "Cadet Twitch", is a young Sulphur-crested cockatoo who is a Level 2 construction cadet.

Voice actress: Maia Mitchell

Twitch is known for being a very lively, energetic and cheerful bird, as she is almost always seen with a smile on her face and is also very expressive. She is always ready to face difficult challenges and is not afraid to take even the most dangerous risks, making her brave, confident, and adventurous.

As per being a construction cadet, she very much enjoys her role and has a knack for all that is needed to know for her job, thus making her a hard-working individual. Twitch is smart and clever, as she has a knowledge for things such as math and science, mainly for construction.

Despite her bubbly persona, Twitch displays traits that are far different. For instance, she can be cool and laid-back when she wants to, particularly at her most relaxed state. She can also be very snarky and sharp-tongued, especially when it comes to people who cause trouble for no reason.

Another trait that is different from her usual lively attitude is that she is tough and very protective, to the point of being downright aggressive when someone tries to hurt her loved ones. In fact, many are warned not to make her angry, especially from her teammates and her family. However, she appears to be aware of this trait, as she seems regretful for everytime she acts up and would apologize for it. Because of this, she promises to herself and to her peers that she will control her temper.

Twitch takes her role as a Top Wing cadet very seriously, as she isn't the one to fool around when on the job. When focused, she shows traits such as being resourful and street-smart, thus making her a valuable member of the Top Wing society. She also isn't easily fooled, despite what others may think as, according to Vanna Batterin, she is one of the few people in Big Swirl Island who "directly see the problems any troublemaker caused".

Ultimately to go with her sociable personality, Twitch is also very kind, sweet, caring and big-hearted, willing to support and help her loved ones no matter out, as well as being mature when needed.

Aside from her love of construction, Twitch has a knack for puzzles and riddles, especially when it comes to very difficult ones. In fact, she gets pretty excited when she does them, even if they are very simple.

It appears that her adventurous side comes from her father. Because she spend most of her childhood traveling around the world with her family, due to her father's job, she has grown a love for anything that has to do with exploring.

Twitch's vehicle is the Power Mover; a yellow and black construction truck with a silver Top Wing Logo placed on the sides. It possesses the ability to switch tools, transform into other construction trucks as well as a jet, and is equipped with turbo thrusters, a claw, an autopilot mode and can do roving and towing.

Described as being fairly pretty, Twitch is a young and thin Sulphur-crested cockatoo. Befitting to her species, she is a white-feathered bird with a large black beak, and the signature yellow crest-feathers on the back of her head. Her feathers sported pale yellow accents on her wings' upper arms and long tail feathers.

Her feathers also formed thick, messy, and voluminous bob cut-styled hair that partially buries her crest, with the same-colored accents as her wings and tail. Her hair also includes large, wavy bangs that cover parts of her right eye and eyebrow; her eyes themselves are a dark royal-blue with thick eyelashes protruding from them, while her brows are a slightly thick, dark brown.

Tied around the back of her head is a yellow scarf which pressed down some parts of her hair. She is taller than Rod, Brody and Penny, but slightly shorter than Swift.

Twitch's attire consists of a black choker around her neck, and a high-collared yellow jacket with black detailing and silver buttons located on the right side, worn over a short-sleeved black V-neck undershirt with a thin yellow stripe around it. She also wears a yellow watch with a silver lining, tightly fastened around her right wing so that she doesn't lose it easily.

She also wore gray jeggings and yellow combat boots with black laces and soles.

Level 2 Uniform
Her Level 2 uniform consists of a yellow helmet with black, white and amber accents, along with a microphone attached to it and two small, sky-blue buttons located on the left side, as she can somehow manage to fit all of her hair under it. She wears a skin-tight, black long-sleeved undershirt over a high-collared yellow safety vest with black, white and silver details on the front, silver-trimmed short sleeves with her badge printed on her left sleeve, and a small metallic, amber-yellow and silver pin with black details adorning the front. She also wore fingerless, black-trimmed amber-yellow construction gloves with a small black button located on the top right of her gloves.

Twitch also wore black pants with two silver stripes over the yellow stripes on the sides, a black belt with a shimmering-silver design on it, and yellow boots with an amber stripe above the black soles, and black straps with amber buckles. Her watch is strapped in its usual place.

"Twitch is the brand new construction cadet in Top wing academy! An optimistic and energetic cockatoo who has the passion for both building and adventuring, she enjoys helping others in the community by creating new buildings.

She does most of her construction using her own Power Mover; a transformer construction truck that will sure get any work done!"

• She is Australian, therefore she has an Australian accent.
• She possesses incredible physical strength.
• Rod is shown to have a huge crush on her.
• She loves playing guitar.
• Like Bea and Rod, Twitch is an early bird and would usually work before her morning trainings, or would just enjoy the sunrise while taking a stroll.
• She prefers to be called by her nickname and not her real name. Because of this, she is almost never referred to her real name.
• She has a sweet tooth and loves anything sweet, except for a few things.
• She can be very sneaky.
• Although extremely brave, she is Cleithrophobic (the fear of being trapped).
• She and Swift can disagree and argue, but they can also make a great team and they do care about each other like a family.
• Her right eye twitches when she's lying.
• She has incredible vocal strengths.
• She can quickly changed into her uniform and back into regular clothes.
• She gets annoyed when her bangs get in her face, and is always blowing them away.
• Because of her role as a construction cadet, Twitch would usually spend her free time doing work with other construction workers. As for this, she is mostly seen in her uniform.
• She is not very fond of racing despite having the skills for it.
• She doesn't like it when someone touched her crest. When someone does touch it, she lets out a signature cockatoo screech.
• She can fake an American accent.

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