Ember DelRourken

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Ember DelRourken : Ember Kaya DelRourken is a teenage Grey parrot who is a villanous and self-taught chemist, engineer and inventor, alongside a part-time thief

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Ember DelRourken : Ember Kaya DelRourken is a teenage Grey parrot who is a villanous and self-taught chemist, engineer and inventor, alongside a part-time thief.

Voice actress: Noël Wells

Ember is an intelligent and clever bird, which is very fitting to her being a chemist. She is also very sly and cunning as a thief, especially when it comes to stealing chemicals for her own experiments.

One of the most distinctive traits from her is that she is very mischievous, reckless, greedy and highly selfish, as she doesn't care about all the damages she had caused and just thinks about her own needs.

Although she denies it, Ember is short-tempered as many have point out that she has anger issues, due to reacting poorly when things don't go her way. Because of this, she is also seen as intimidating due to being cold and fiery, with another reason is that due to her high IQ and her army of killer robots.

She is a callous and overbearing boss to her bots, constantly insulting and demeaning them (even if they are doing their roles as they are programmed) while barking orders at them on a daily basis. She is also willing to even destroying them when one malfunctions or accidently gives her the wrong information, showing off her rather violent side. However, she is (although rarely) willing to fix them when it's just an extremely minor setback.

She also appears to be somewhat of a snob, mostly directed to her being arrogant and disdainful. This is due to how she has a low opinion on certain people; such as the Top Wing cadets who she loves to taunt when they catch her, the villains in Big Swirl who she refers to as "bad guy wannabes who think they're evil but are really just pathetic losers", and the Big Swirlers in general who she also refers to them as "a bunch of overly cheery and oblivious suckers". Because of her haughty attitude, she is very snarky and sarcastic as she is obviously not afraid to speak very snide and rude comments about things to her disliking.

She can also be a very conniving and cruel bully. This is evidenced as she loves to mock the Top Wing cadets every time they encounter her, and every time they chase after her she would toy around with them, which can end up with her humiliating them at some point. Another form of evidence to this trait is that she doesn't take the other villains seriously and would laugh at them when they say a certain goal.

Although displaying rather cold-hearted and psychopathic traits, Ember has one characteristic which she makes it perfectly clear that she is not proud about; her soft spot for cute things, such as Cheep, Chirp and their cousins. The reason is that she cannot bring herself to hurt them and can actually take care of them, to the point of even gushing at them by how adorable they are.

While she doesn't want to admit it, Ember secretly wants to have genuine friendships, but due to her being hostile, she lacks the basic communication skills. However, she is (though very slowly) improving her communication skills and is able to make one to two friends.

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