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"Boyfriend." Aether said to Xiao who stared baffled, "That's what you are to me."


"Um, it's hard to explain, but being my boyfriend means you can touch me like you want." Xiao blinked having been easily caught off guard by him saying that, "You can call me whenever you want. We can talk about anything - uh, if you want... um.." he tried to word it better. "It's a romantic relationship. We do things with each other we normally wouldn't with others."

"Mm.." he understood the concept but the term didn't sit with him. "Human interpretation of such relationships perplex me, but if that's the title I am to assume, then alright."

"Haha, it's not exactly a title for anything, but this way I can brag that you're mine and you can brag that I'm yours."

"...." he stared, and thought intrigued by that idea, "Brag of my relationship with Traveler?"

"So," Aether cleaned his hands and placed them on Xiao's cheeks holding his face, "What are you going to say if someone asks what I am to you?"

With how beautiful Aether looked today his impulses got the better of him, "My bride."

"Yes your-huh?!" He was startled by that response. "N-no, I'm not your bride-" Xiao clapped his hands holding Aether's,

"Let's get married."

"Whoa!" His face turned bright red, "You're running a hurdle Xiao! W-we shouldn't think of that yet! You should get comfortable before thinking about something like marriage!" He was now being thoroughly taught in the subject. "That's not something you can rush, Xiao, we have to--"

While Aether went on about human customs Xiao's mind wandered, "Mortals often celebrate such occasions... Xianyun has described more than enough stories of such events to me in her search for suitors for Shenhe and Ganyu." He listened to him but still lost himself in his thoughts. "To brag of one's relationship... are mortals that strung in confidently showcasing their achievements for praise? I don't understand."

"--so, again. What are you going to say if someone asks you what I am to you?"

He wanted to answer on impulse again, but refrained, so with a determined, calm, expression he answered, "The one I cherish."

Aether's face popped bright red, "Y-yes but.... haaa.." he hid his face in his hands. "I can't with you, you turn into such a flirt!"

He accepted so and said, "Is it important to.. brag of one's relationship?"

"Hmm, well no. You wouldn't even be bragging really." Aether was quick to understand where he misunderstood. "Ok, don't think about it as bragging, that's just all I could think of for lack of a better word but..." he put some thought into it. "Um, I wasn't expecting this to be so hard."

"If it's too difficult to explain, don't stress over it. I was merely curious." Xiao said so he didn't burn through his brain enegry, "It's of no importance."

"Ahh, but it is important, I'm happy that you're curious." He, like Xiao, was sat on the high balcony of Wangshu Inn. They were on the floor with some sunsiettas for a snack while Xiao had a plate of almond tofu. Leaning back on his hands he said, "It's good to be curious, I want to help you understand as much as I can. Aha, but I guess I'm just confusing you?"

"Hm." He didn't admit it feeling he did learn something. "... If I may.." Xiao said wondering,


"Would you like to go on a stroll?" Xiao asked, arms crossed as calm as ever. "It's alright if you're busy."

Aether blushed with a bright smile, "I'll go, it'll be our first date!"

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