i miss you and moving on

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When you saw him with a different girl, it broke your heart. 

It had been months since your break up, something that you assumed hurt the both of you deeply. You to the point where you wounded up in the hospital, not because of the situation with Barry but because of your job. Due to your childhood, you had a lot of unpacked tramua, you flinched easily and seemed hyperalert most of the time, something that was natural to you but not to others. When your students became physically violent, you wanted to do everything you could to help them but your mental health was slowly dimishing as you put your students above yourself. 

So you wound up in the ER for four days, no rooms were avaliable in the psych wing, so you were stuck in the ER, which made your mental health worse as loneliness and sadness caved in on you. You knew that the cousin you lived with reached out to Barry, letting him know what was going on, in case he cared. She let you know that he was thinking about you, but that he hadn't said anything else. This hurt even deeper. 

You wound up quitting your job and medically withdrawing out of your classes. You spent the next month in a half in a slump, where you found work in doordash and instacart, just to get by, barely being able to pay rent. Eventually you got a job, and then another and then another. Finally the daycare was where you stopped skipping through the jobs though you were still struggling with your mental illness. 

That's when you saw the post on instagram, you remember when all of his posts were because of you and going back on to this instagram, he hadn't deleted any of the pictures of the two of you. It made tears stream down your cheeks, the idea that he might delete a part of your history hurt something deep inside of you, but you had to understand. But Barry had moved on and you, hadn't had time too, not with everything going on, so you just missed him, desperately. 

You imagined everything that he did with this new girl, thinking of everything he did to make you fall in love with him. 

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