his perspective and the other girl

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The girl that barry was dating wasn't serious. It was some girl that Harry found and thought it would be a perfect match so barry went with it. he didn't think that he would think of you the whole time, when she smiled, he thought of you, thought of the contagious smile you had when you were really happy or found one of his jokes funny. She had different colored hair then yours, and all he could think about were the times his hands were threaded in your silky locks. He missed you intensely and that's why he dropped the girl off at her apartment, noting that he wouldn't make any promises because he wasn't over you. 

How was he supposed to get over you? He didn't want to break up with you. But he didn't treat you right and instead of trying to fix it, he gave up. That was the most terrifying part, how could he love someone so much and still not treat them right. Harry saw his friend in pain, and he knew that another girl couldn't' fill the y/n shaped hole in his heart. But he hadn't seen you in months and knew that he wouldn't go back to you, not when he thought so lowly of himself as your boyfriend. 

So harry didn't the only thing he could think to do, he drove thirty mintues out of his way to your place and knocked on your door, hoping that you were home, and he wouldn't be confronted with your cousins and have to awkwardly explain why he was trying to find you. Luckily, you opened the door, a shy look on your face until you realized it was harry. 

"What are you doing here?"

"Apologizing on the behalf of barry." Harry replied, crossing his arms over his chest.

"You? Haha, your funny." You go to close the door when Harry steps forward. 

"I'm serious. barry didn't mean for this to happen, he still loves you."

"harry, i'm serious not the mood for this." You grunted.

"Me neither, you think this is ideal for me? To come thirty mintues out of my way to talk to someone I don't even like."

"You're such a dick."

"Listen to me." Harry agrued, his voice raising in volume. You flinched but then shook your head, tears coming to your eyes.

"I can't hear about barry missing me, it'll just make this so much harder."

"what happened?"

"He started, ignoring me, i wasn't important to him all of sudden and he barely made time to come see me and when he did-" you paused, shaking your head. "I don't need to be telling you this. if he wants to fix things he can reach out."

"you know barry won't be the first one to reach out."

"well maybe for once it's his turn." You snapped.

"see this is why i don't like you."

"goodbye harry."

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