Meeting Barry

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Barry was a year older than you in school. in the last three years you knew of him of school and saw him around. you thought he was very cute, and you knew some things about him. he was quiet, a sweetheart, he was friends with some of the more popular boys, but he wasn't much like them. his best friend, harry, was infamous for dating lots of girls, he was a flirt. barry had dated a few times throughout the years, but they always ended. he dated one girl for a short time, her name was faya, and she had said some mean things about him, but you found out that wasn't true, apparently he was actually pretty upset that she'd broken up with him and tried to subtly ask why, he wanted to apologize for whatever he had done. the rumor was she was just uncomfortable that he was upset, so she started saying he was an asshole. then he dated another girl, for a while, and you didn't know much about the break-up, but she was a nice girl and hadn't said anything bad about him.

Barry wanted to travel, and he was a huge comic book nerd. He wanted to become a history teacher when he got older. he had trouble with his older brother, and his family life had always been rocky-complicated. but he has always been a soft-spoken guy with a lot of feelings. he struggled with his mental health too, but he didn't talk about it much.your life changed your junior year of high school, when barry started you differently. you were alike to him, soft-spoken, and he just thought you had the sweetest demeanor. you noticed him in the in hall every day, the two of you pass each other. his eyes always lingered on you, and the both of you amounted to a soft crush. you added him on snapchat and started talking to him. you were timid, and he could tell, but he was also timid for different reasons. He didn't want to have his heart broken again, but that didn't stop him from liking you, though.the year went on, and it was again little glances in the hallway because the both of you were too shy to text each other. you were timid for other reasons too, though. he lived in the 'rich' neighborhood, he was a part of the popular crowd. he was different from you. you lived back and forth with your parents, and it was very complicated. you smoked pot, you got drunk, and you were consistently struggling with the status in school.barry didn't care about any of that, and you figured that out when barry went to the vape shop that your brother's worked at. your brothers talked him up, and then he found out they were your brothers. 

barry asked about you and when they got home, you swung by to say hi before they told you that barry came by. you were really surprised that he would, and you snapped him again. the two of you started talking about what you were up to and why he stopped the shop. he told you that he'd taken up vaping at a party at the beginning of the year and didn't want to bum off his friends. but you told him he could bum off your brothers if he wanted to and gave him your address.he hung out with your brothers and that's when they approved of him even before you started dating. the two of you were just friends for a while, even though you liked each other. the two of you were a bit awkward together, but after you smoked together and became super relaxed, the two of you just ate a bunch of junk food and talked about life. you learned that he was going to the local college, he was majoring in history and teaching k-12. he also had a job, but he still lived with his parents. his parents sounded a bit awful from the descriptions he made them out to be.

after school for you and work and school for him, the two of you started hanging out all the time. there was a moment when faya found out and tried to go after him. she tended to do that when one of her friend's would like someone, she'd go after them and date them. even though they dated, she tried to go after him and the ultimately broke the friendship between the two of you but brought barry closer to you.

barry confessed he liked you, but he wasn't sure how you felt, and he didn't want to be in a bad situation with you. while everything was going down with faya it had been obvious to everyone that you liked him. he even knew from the way you became so angry when she asked him out, though he rejected her and went to you. you had gotten tears in your eyes and simultaneously wanted to punch a wall.

then the drama died down, and he told you he liked you while the two of you were very high. you giggled before hugging him closely. barry loved how floaty and light-hearted you were when high. you always carried the weight of the world on your shoulders, and when you were high it brought that weight off. you were also better around him, though, he made things easier. the two of you laid on your tiny bed and cuddled until you fell asleep.

the next morning, he took you out to the local diner for breakfast. the two of you ate, and then you told him your feelings. the two of you wanted to kiss him, but you didn't. that night, after work from him, he came over, and you kissed him out by his car.he wasn't sure where to park, so you helped him and waited for him. but you couldn't wait any longer, you had only kissed one other guy than him, and you hadn't even liked him. you wanted to kiss barry desperately.

"can i kiss you?" you asked, shyly, while your sweet demeanor shown through.

"yeah-can i kiss you?" barry asked, you giggled before moving forward and cupping his cheeks to kiss him. barry leaned into you and the two of your foreheads touched lightly as he smiled, his dimples carving into his cheeks, before you leaned in to softly kiss his lips. barry kissed you back, naively. the two of you were very new to all of this. but once the kiss broke, his arms just wrapped around you and the two of you stood there for a moment before going inside to watch a movie.


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