the break up

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barry and you had been slowly falling apart. the strong relationship that you once had, was falling apart as you grew apart. You moved to the city after your first year of college, away from barry.  some say that distance makes the heart grow fonder but for the two it made the heart ache. you were focused on your new job, working in a school as a para, meanwhile you were taking some classes online. Barry was into his third year, classes were hard and his social life was slowly dwindling. After a break up, his friend Harry moved into the apartment so when he was going to offer you the space, Harry had no where else to go and you had a plan of moving in with your cousin. It started out with spaced out text messages, the once intentional texter that Barry was moved into him working his job around the clock because the money he had saved up was gone and he had to work his ass off to keep his apartment. 

Then you started noticing the inattention, which was unusual for your relationship but when you would call at night, Barry was so exhausted he didn't have much to talk about and the conversation ended after you realized that Barry wasn't even paying attention. You were hurt but instead of hiding it from, you let him know what you were feeling, and he didn't reply for a whole day, before replying that he was sorry and that things would change. Sadly, they never did. 

It was like the two of you weren't even in a relationship anymore and the non-existent talking translated to weekends when he would come visit you, the city was only 30 minutes away. The two of you had nothing to talk about, because you felt he wouldn't listen to you and he would wound up playing video games and ignoring you. He didn't mean to ignore you, but it wound up happening. Then later in the night, when the two of you would usually have sex, you pushed him away, telling him you didn't want to be touched right now. Because you didn't, you felt ignored by your significant other and the only person you could blame was yourself. 

The break up happened in the harshest way, you were crying when Barry showed up that Friday night, and he tried to calm you down but you were angry at him and started to take that anger out on him by blaming him for everything bad that was happening. Though that wasn't the truth, your job was the wrong fit and students were getting physically violent with you. You were beyond stressed that you were going to fail your classes and you felt your mental health slowly slip away from you. Barry was beyond hurt by what you said, and that's when he said, "Then I guess we shouldn't be together."

"Really?" You cried. 

"Yeah, I don't want to hurt you, Y/n." 

"Then stop." You bawled. 

That's when he left, he left you there to cry. It broke everything in him to leave you but he thought it was for the better. If he had done all those things to hurt you, something in reality that was a simple mistake and simply falling away from each other, in retrospect, was both of their faults. Eventually you would realize this and you wanted to reach out to apologize but it seemed to be too late, you had lost Barry. 

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