barry moves out

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barry had finally saved up enough money to move out of his parents. he couldn't afford living on campus, so when his freshman year started, he passed up on it. barry took you shopping with him, going to each open-housing, acting all coupley. he kept holding your hand and kissing your forehead. when you walked into the apartment that was his future one you could tell. the vibe swept over the two of you, and you gave him a look. this place was perfect for him. he put an offer down, and then the two of you went over to his place. barry didn't ask you to move in with him yet because he knew you weren't ready. he wanted you to come to the open-housing so when you were ready, you could move in with him. he didn't care if you didn't have a job, but you did. you wouldn't be able to live with the guilt of barry completely providing for you.

after a couple of weeks, the apartment was his, and you started to help him move in to his new place. the two of you did some light shopping, which wasn't really your way. you loved shopping, and you would've bought everything he ever needed-ever. but you told barry that he would shop, and you would push the cart. you loved spending money. he got everything he needed and the two of you headed over to his apartment, the two of you unloaded about everything.

you were wiping down counters and walls in the apartment while barry was setting up his tv. you saw that in the corner of the room there were cobwebs, so you took it upon yourself to climb up and wipe them away. the two of you had been working for hours, so after barry finished, he came into the kitchen to see you wiggling your butt to the music you were playing and wiping away cobwebs. a huge smile graced his face as you sang and continued to clean. you turned around and jumped when seeing him.

"uh! stalker much?" you asked, as you threw the towel you were using at him. barry smiled even brighter before walking over to you.

"i'm just enjoyin the view, darling." barry replied as you rolled your eyes and went to turn around but barry grabbed at your hips.

"what are you doing?" you asked.

"come here." barry replied, pulling you down from the makeshift ladder you made. you stepped down and barry pulled you close, wrapping his arms around you before kissing the top of your head. the two of you danced to the next song, that was 'she' by harry styles. you giggled as he swayed you back and forth. barry leaned down and softly kissed your lips, you hummed and kissed back. his hands wandered down your hips and skimming playfully at your butt. you leaned forward to kiss him harder, but then there was a knock at the door. moments later, his obnoxious best friend, harry, walked in with pizza's.

"time out, it's pizza time." harry said, as he set the pizza on the counter. you glared over at him as barry kissed your forehead again before talking to harry.

"i told ya to wait till i got to the door." barry replied, opening the fridge to get out some waters for everyone. harry grabbed out pizza and barry opened them and glared over at him. "I told you to get some sausage or pepperoni."

"eh, i forgot. you like taco pizza, right? or veggies?" harry asked, as barry knocked at his shoulder.

"no, she doesn't." barry replied.

"she can speak for herself." harry said.

"you know what, i actually gotta go." you replied, moving over to barry. "my dad wants some taco johns."

"I can go with you." barry offered as you lightly shook your head but leaned in to softly kiss his lips. barry kissed back, his eyes scanning over you as you grinned at him.

"i'll be back later." you replied.

"i love you." barry murmured, as you went to move away, he pulled you back into his side.

"i love you." you smiled at him and kissed his cheek again before heading out.

"why are you such a douche?" barry said, glaring over at him.

"i'm not the one who left because i didn't like the pizza. i literally went out of my way to buy it and bring it here." harry replied.

"i told you the right kind to get her, and she did tell me she was gonna run and get us food. i just forgot." barry said, as he picked at a pizza.

"she's insufferable." harry replied.

"she isn't." barry snapped at him. "i get it, you don't like her for some reason. but i do. she means the world to me."

"she was playing with your heart all throughout high school." harry said, as barry laughed.

"no i liked her all throughout high school. she didn't do anything. need ya to use your brain." barry replied, trying not to get upset at his best friend. he usually got along with harry but tended to be a jerk sometimes.

"fine." harry replied, barry shook his head before throwing his plate away and heading into the other room.

You came back over later on with some extra food. you walked in with the set of keys barry gave you and locked the door. "i brought you some tacos, baby." you said, out into the apartment. barry peaked his head into the living room and waved you into the kitchen. you walked in and put the tacos in the fridge. your eyes settled on barry, as you made your way over to him. "my dad thought you could eat some of it for leftovers, but he also told me that if you ever needed help or somewhat-he'd pitch in. he knows adulting is hard, he had to help my brother's before." you said, as barry wrapped an arm around you. harry had watched from the corner with his girlfriend.

"your dad is too nice." barry replied, as you nodded.

"i agree, and he loves you." you replied.

harry didn't always dislike you. throughout, high school you seemed like a nice girl but when barry started liking you, it was kind of boring for harry. barry didn't want to date anyone else, so he couldn't ever double up with harry. harry waited for a while for the two of you to finally get together. he thought after high school things would change, but then barry just started dating you. harry was happy that his friend was happy, but you were still in high school. barry had to leave harry multiple times in the last couple of months because of you. barry would drop everything without even thinking if you called for him. harry thought it was annoying. maybe annoying but maybe endearing. harry hadn't found anyone like that, even the girl he was dating right now. harry didn't really understand his distaste for you, but he just thought you were complicated and annoyingly quiet.

harry found it hard to hate you, when you were giggling into barry's side as he had a huge grinned plastered on his face, though. once it got a little later, barry lead harry and his girlfriend out. you cleaned up the kitchen a bit as barry came back in and wrapped you up in his arms and kissed your lips.

you hummed deeply into his lips and cupped his face before continuing to kiss him. you moved back after a couple of moments, though. barry saw the gears grinding in your head as you gave him a grin. you moved back and hopped back on the counter and wiggled your finger at him.

"you know what i just realized?" you asked, as barry sauntered over to you.

"what?" he asked.

"that we have this place all to ourselves. we can be as loud as we want, and do whatever we want." you said, as barry stared at you as his hands came on to either side of you.

"yeah?" barry asked, as you wrapped your legs around him. you hummed, nodding your head. "well, darling, this is not a some book or movie. i'm 100% sure we'd cramp up, or you'd hit your head on the counter. i much rather have sex with you on a bed, and you can still be as loud as you want." you giggled as you wrapped your arms around his neck and softly kissed his lips.

"i hate it when your right." you whispered.

"no you don't." barry replied, softly kissing your lips again.



smut and angst

Barry Keoghan Boyfriend SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now