Day 2

220 3 16

So uh... 

I kinda went insane this chapter...

Theres language now...

And the surprise 

Oh yeah and I also forgot to say that the code is 8 numbers so yeah

Heathers P.O.V:

I woke up with Alejandro's arms wrapped around me. The lights were on, it must be past 9.

 My head hurts from how blinding the light was. I'm surprised that Alejandro isn't awake because of how bright the lights are.

 I want to get out of bed, but I don't want to wake up Alejandro. He looks so peaceful, cute even. Did I just call him cute?

I tried to slip out of his arms but that just made him hold me tighter. 

"Heather..." He mumbled. 

I'm not sure if he's awake, maybe half-asleep.

I tried to slip out if his arms again, I can't.

I decided to enjoy the affection he was giving me.

I snuggled closer to him, which made him smile and not hold me so tight anymore. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the moment. Until Chris,

"EEEEEEEEE!!!" He squealed through the speakers, loud.

(Chris is a aleheather fanboy)

His made Alejandro wake up.


"Uh-" Chris shut the speakers off.

I decided to pretend to sleep, even though I was awake.

I felt Alejandro tuck a piece of my hair behind my ear. He planted a soft kiss on my forehead and I couldn't help but smile, he's so sweet.

I snuggled closer to him once again. "Good morning." I said.

"How long have you been awake?" He asked, blushing. He's pretty adorable when he blushes, I've never saw him blush before.

"Long enough." I giggled.

"I'm sorry." He said.

"It's fine, really."

Alejandro let go of me and walked into the bathroom, still blushing. I don't know why, but I was kind of disappointed. I already miss the feeling of having his arms around me.

I got up and walked over to the cabinets to have breakfast. 'Breakfast'? Ha!

I looked in the cabinets and looked for the honey Cherrios, until I remembered I put it on the top cabinet so Alejandro didn't take them. I needed to climb on the counter to reach them.

(Idk but in the first day I made Heather have a thing for honey Cherrios and I just stuck with it)

I started climbing on to the counter. I was on my knees and I had to stand up to reach them, I was a little scared. 

I stood up without falling and reached for the Cherrios. Suddenly, I slipped. 

I didn't fall onto the floor like I thought I would. Alejandro caught me. 

"Are you alright?" 

"Yeah I'm fine." I wiped the hair out of my face.

He carried me in his arms like a baby.

The Total Drama Experiment #1 (Subjects Heather & Alejandro)Where stories live. Discover now