Day 3

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This songs a banger ^^^ I'm still waiting for the day where I see an animation like this with aleheather. I listened to this on repeat the entire time I was writing this.

Also I'm putting more swearing now because I feel like it

Alejandro's P.O.V Cause we haven't had it in the morning yet so:

I barely got any sleep last night.

While I was busy regreting my life decisions, I remembered the goal:

Get out of this place.

I woke up before Heather, when it was still dark. I got up and stretched from staying in the same position for 10 hours.

I probably spent only 40% of that 10 hours actually sleeping. 

Yes, 4 hours of sleep.

I walked over to where I left my cereal the day before, with the lantern in hand.

I had a few handfulls until I was satisfied.

I didn't know what to do until Heather wakes up. In fact, I don't know what to do when Heather wakes up.

I walked back over to the bed, where Heather was sleeping.

I shined the lantern near Heather's face to see her better.

She looks so beautiful when shes sleeping.

She opened her delicate eyes and gave me a death glare shortly after.

"I was trying to sleep! Jerk!"

I usually enjoy when Heather is angry at me, but not now.

Shes angry probably because what I've done.

"Uh-" I struggled to speak.

Heather grabbed the lantern from my hand, touching my hand in the process, which gave me butterflies.

She walked over to the small kitchen and took the honey cherrios out of a cabinet.

Suddenly, the lights turned on.

"Since you guys are already up we've turned the lights on!" Chris shouted through the speakers, louder than ever. My eardrums are scared for life.

"Ya'know I kinda liked the dark. So I didn't have to look at Alejandro's ugly face!" Heather yelled.

I gasped. 

I'm offended.

"How dare you! I am not ugly!" I argued back.

"Says you! I think you are ugly as hell!" 

"As if I care about your opinion! I take back what I said about your adorable earlobes."

"What did you say about my 'Adorable' earlobes?" Heather asked mockingly.

"I- Uhm-" A blush grew on my face as Heather grinned.

"Forget about that!" I yelled.

"Yeah, good luck with that one. What did you say about my 'Adorable' earlobes again?"

"Uh- I just think your ears uhm- There kinda cute I guess-"The blush on my face grew more intense.

"Cute? Only cute?" Heather said jokingly.

"Absolutely adorable." I told her. I covered my mouth with my hands, not meaning to say that.

Now Heather was blushing along with me.

We stood in awkward silence for nearly 5 seconds.

"Thanks, I guess. But don't expect a compliment back, your still really ugly."

The Total Drama Experiment #1 (Subjects Heather & Alejandro)Where stories live. Discover now