Day 5

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"Crazy? I was crazy once. Chris locked me in a room, a white room, a white room with Alejandro. And Alejandro makes me crazy." - Heather

Okkk so I'm not gonna skip to Heather's birthday

Enjoy I guess

Alejandro's P.O.V:

Since its uncomfortable sleeping in everyday clothes, and me and Heather are fine with it, we now sleep in our undergarments.

It was morning once again, and Heather and I were cuddling in bed, I was spooning her.

I gently gripped Heather's breasts and she flinched.

"I'm sorry, do you not like it?" I teased.

"No," She said immediately. "It's fine."

I smiled to myself, then started gently massaging her breasts. Heather let out a gasp, I could tell she was enjoying it.

Heather, being only in her undergarments, let out a moan, not trying to hide it this time.

How badly I wanted to have sex with her, knowing that I can't. 

Thinking of that, I stopped.

I got up out of bed and grabbed my clothes. 

Heather sat up on the bed. "Why'd you stop?" She asked.

"I uhm-" I didn't know how to respond, I tried to come up with a good excuse but I couldn't.

"Heather," I went to sit down next to her. "You don't know how badly I want to have sex with you, but we can't." I held her hand. "Not yet..."

"I do too, that's why I wanna get the fuck out of here." She repiled.

I got up and put my clothes on. 

"How many numbers in the code aren't challenges?" Heather asked me.

"I believe Chris said 4 were challenges, with the code being 8 numbers, so 4. But I'm not sure."

"So we got 2 numbers already that weren't from a challenge, so we have 2 left to find, and then we have to wait 2 days." Heather scoffed. She was desperate, she didn't want to wait 2 days.

"That means we get a whole day to ourselfs,"

"To be honest I just wanna get out of here."

"You're not alone, hermosa."

Heather started getting her clothes on whilst I stare at her beauty.

"Where did we not look?" She asked.

"I'm pretty sure we checked everywhere..."

Heather thought of an idea.

"Chris?" She yelled. "Can you give us a hint?"

"Hmm, sure..." Chris responded through the speakers. " Heres a hint, its somewhere you haven't checked."

I knew Chris wouldn't give us a hint, he wants us to stay for as long as possible.

Chris laughed loudly through the speaker while Heather looked like she was going to explode.

"We should get searching for the last number," 

"But we looked everywhere!" She screamed.

"Surely we haven't looked everywhere,"

"Ughhh! Fine!"

I decided to try to move the small bed that we have been sleeping on, surprisingly, it was quite heavy.

"Mi amor, can you help move the bed?"

The Total Drama Experiment #1 (Subjects Heather & Alejandro)Where stories live. Discover now