Day 7

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Heathers birthday is in 4 days 

Just no one noticed the mention of Amber-

So yall get dreammmmm

With almost zero thoughts

But context


Alejandro's P.O.V:

I waited patiently at the restaurant for Amber to show up. After a long time she didn't show up, so I walked outside.

Opening the door to exit the restaurant, I walked into a shopping mall. 

I saw myself, with my girlfriend Amber, talking to her while walking around the mall. I got a little closer to hear our conversation.

"Amber, I- Uh-" I cleared my throat. "This just isn't working,"

"What do you mean?" 

"I- I'm in love with someone else..." I knew that's not what I meant to say.

Suddenly I woke up, no opinion or thoughts on my dream last night, except for the reminder that Amber existed.

Amber, I broke up with her because I still loved Heather. She was one of the 4 girls I tried to distract myself with by trying to date again over the past 3 years, it was working, until I couldn't do it anymore.

 Maybe it was a good decision to break up with Amber, though I did break her heart. I hope she's happy, with a new partner.

The lights were already on, and Heather was awake. Her head was up against the wall out of boredom.

I yawned. "Good morning hermosa."

"It's the week mark," She groaned.

"Mhm," I nodded, inching my way out of bed.

"I'm going insane," She groaned once again, and then hit her head against the white wall. "This place sucks."

After getting out of bed, I made my way over to the kitchen area, in search of breakfast. "Well, what's so bad about it?" I asked Heather.

"Everything!" She groaned, hitting her head against the wall again. 

"There's no form of entertainment what-so-ever, the bed is really uncomfortable, we have to eat fucking cereal until we get outta this hell-hole!" Heather ranted. "Not to mention it's a fucking escape room, and I despise them!"

"And hell! I can't even fuck with my new-old boyfriend that's hot as fuck! Do you know how hard it is!?"

I blushed slightly at the compliment. "Very, very difficult, I assume," I repiled sarcasticly, eating Cherrios, still with a hint of pink on my cheeks.

"Ugh!" Heather groaned again, begging for attention.

"Wait, isn't today a challenge day?" I asked Heather for clarification, not expecting that Chris would be the one to respond.

"Ding! That's right! And you're gonna have so much fun!" Chris said through the speakers.

"Assuming it's gonna be worse than the last one," Heather rolled her eyes, not targeting the comment to anyone specific. "But hey, something to do." She put her hands on her hips and walked more torwards the center of the room.

The Total Drama Experiment #1 (Subjects Heather & Alejandro)Where stories live. Discover now