Day 4

136 6 11

Still swearing lol

Heather's P.O.V:

So, me and Alejandro are officially dating again.

I've never been this happy since he first asked me out.

It makes me more desperate to get the hell out of here.

The lights were on, me and Alejandro were awake but still in bed cuddling.

"CAN YOU GUYS GET UP ALREADY!" Chris screamed, clearly angered.

"No." Me and Alejandro said at the same time.

"Ughhh," Chris whined "When are you gonna get up?"

"When we fucking feel like it!" I yelled.

"Can you feel like it now? I have a challenge ready and I'm bored!" 

"Fine!" I yelled back at Chris.

I got out of bed and Alejandro looked a bit disappointed, but I didn't care.

"How do we start a challenge?" Alejandro asked.

"By asking!" Chris squealed excitedly.

"Can we start the challenge?" 

"So stupid," I said under my breath.

Suddenly, the wall opened revealing another room. Me and Alejandro walked into the room.

For the first time in 3 years, I saw Chris' face. I wanted to kill him.

"Chris..." I shot him a death glare. (phew phew)

The room was like the previous room but with a couch and a chair that looked comfy.

Alejandro cleared his throat. "Hello Chris." He said trying to be respectful despite what he's done to us.

"Your first challenge is gonna be trivia! I noticed how you two are dating again so its fitting!" Chris squealed excitedly. "You can take a seat on the couch." 

Chris sat down in his chair while me and Alejandro sat on the couch.

"Okay, I'm gonna make this quick. If you win the challenge and get a number, you have to wait 2 days to do another." Chris began. "If you fail, you have to wait 3 days, and you have to do the same challenge again. For 4 of the numbers in the code you have to do a challenge."

"Can we just start already?" I complained.

"I was getting there!" Chris argued. "You both get 8 questions about eachother. 6 questions correct and you win, lets start. Who wants to go first?"

Neither me or Alejandro offered to go.

"Okay... Heather." Chris took a piece of paper from the hat he was holding.

Why me.

"Name all of the girls that Alejandro manipulated,"

"Pfff- Easy. Courtney, Bridgette, and Leshawna." I counted on my fingers. "Wait, 'manipulated' as in kicked off?"

 "So close." Chris mumbled under his breath.

"Oh then me too," 

"Correct. Next question,"

Chris took another piece of paper from the hat and read it out loud. "Alejandro, how many siblings does Heather have?"

I scoffed, "How is he supposed to know tha-"

The Total Drama Experiment #1 (Subjects Heather & Alejandro)Where stories live. Discover now