Night 4

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Hiii this is a bonus but please don't skip I think its cute

Also I'm finally on my school break so I can get the next chapter out sooner!!!

Alejandro's P.O.V:

I'm trapped.

I can't move.

I can't get out.

I don't want to be here.

Let me out. 

Please let me out.

Let me out.

I miss Heather.

Even after what she's done to me, I still love her.

I need help.

Let me out.


Heather's P.O.V:

I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of crying.

The first thing I noticed was that Alejandro wasn't in bed, and the blanket was gone.

I grabbed the flashlight and turned it on. I looked over to the side to see Alejandro on the floor, curled up in a ball, tears streaming down his face.

"Let me out,"

"Let me out," He repeated quietly.

"Let me out,"

I got out of bed a went to sit next to him. 

"Hey, hey, its okay, I'm here."

Alejandro hugged me tightly.

 "I-I-" He struggled to speak.

"Breath," I told him, wiping the tears on his face.

"I had a nightmare- that I was- trapped- I couldn't get out-" Alejandro told me.

"Trapped? Trapped wh- Oh." I realized what he was talking about.

The Total Drama machine. 

The robot suit.

It was my fault.

I carried that regret on my shoulders for years, and never even said sorry.

"I'm so sorry, I wish I could take it back..." I told him, struggling not to cry.

"I forgave you a long time ago mi amor." He wiped the rest of his tears and then gave me a loving kiss on the lips.

"I love you."

"I love you too, mi amor."

Finally the dreaded March 2024 is over!

I gave you a bonus!

I know there out of character but my excuse for that is um- I don't have an excuse

I have a oneshot idea but I don't feel like writing rn so maybe later and I might share it



The Total Drama Experiment #1 (Subjects Heather & Alejandro)Where stories live. Discover now