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I wanted to make a chapter to tell people where and how I came up with these ideas

I should finish the next chapter by April 😁

I've been still really stressed with school and I thought my school break was this week but its actually next week :(

Lets start on how I came up with the main story 

I have no idea where it came from but one week in my school people were going around saying "Crazy? I was crazy once, I was trapped in a room, a rubber room, a rubber room with rats,"

Please tell me where this came from

So anyways that gave me an idea

This idea 

But it wasn't just that

This video also gave me a ton of inspiration 

Its what I imagine the room to look like

And then I gave it a ton of twists


#1 You only have 1 bed

 #2 Theres no giving up your prize money for Necessities 

 #3 Heck you dont even get prize money!

#4 They've met before 

#5 You can't walk out if you want

#6 They don't let you out after 100 days

#7 its a cool escape room!

Also I want to talk about the story behind what happened on day 2

So I was sitting in science class watching a Bill Nye video 😭

when an amazing idea came to my head!

Oh my fucking god

I was sitting in science class while Alejandro and Heather were fucking in my head



Uh anyways-

WRITING! In general!

My 3rd grade teacher!

In 3rd grade we did a project on the magic treehouse books 

Before we started we read a shit ton of magic treehouse books and we had to make our own

We had to come up with a place to go and a day or time to do it

Mine was "Future on Friday"

They went to the future 

Holy shit I have it in a word document 

(The spelling is originally really bad so I fixed it but I'm gonna keep the other mistakes Cuz its funny)

It was Friday, Cindy and Lisa were having a sleepover. Cindy said "let's go to the tree house" Lisa agreed. They went. They found a dairy!(It was Diary but its the funniest spelling mistake so I kept it) "I was born in 2114 my name is Amelea I live in new york City" and there was a photo of a girl. Lisa said,"that must be Amelea." Cindy said "I wish to go there". The tree house started spinning and it stopped, and everything was absolutely still. They looked out the window. They saw flying cars! A fancy girl said "ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww (Yes, that many W's) that is so 114 years ago." (Humor still great back then) Lisa looked at the photo and looked at the girl. It was not a match. They went down the latter. Cindy wanted a snack. There was a store with free cookies they took one. Lisa looked at the photo. It was a match! They asked if her name was Amelea. The girl said "yes". They asked is yours and handed her the dairy. Amelea said "yes. how did you find it? It went into my parents time machine." Cindy said "We are from the past it must have got in are tree house". Just then someone running toward them. "oh no" said Amelea. "RUN!!!!" Amelea put them in the car and said "GO!!!" cindy drove so fast Lisa fell out!! But Amelea caught her and throw her back into the car. They made it back into the tree house. as they wished to go home they watched Amelea get captured. The end.

I got a reward for this garbage.

What a nice sweet ending with so much context

At the end of the year everyone in my class got a reward.

For example:

The Mathematician award goes to a person thats really good at math.

The thing is my 3rd grade teacher almost gave me a different award.

If she gave me that other reward I probably wouldn't be here.

Thanks Mrs. Esposito~


The Total Drama Experiment #1 (Subjects Heather & Alejandro)Where stories live. Discover now