Steve Finds Crystal

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Chapter 10

Steve waited in the jewelry store for a little while after Crystal had left. He was hoping that she would come back so they could talk about what had happened earlier at the jewelry store. Steve waited about four hours before he decided to leave and go over to Crystal's apartment. He only hoped that she would listen to him. When Steve arrived at Crystal's apartment, he knocked on the door then waited for her to open it. When she didn't come to the door, he decided to call her.

"Crystal!, Crystal!, Crystal! It's me, Steve. I want to talk to you.
Will you open the door?"

When Crystal didn't come to the door, Steve decided he would let himself in. Steve got Crystal's spare key, which was hidden on top of the outdoor frame. When Steve went into the room, he started calling her name again.

"Crystal!, Crystal! It's me, Steve. I let myself in. Crystal, are you here?"

When Steve didn't get an answer, he started to get worried. Steve looked all over the apartment but couldn't find Crystal. Steve started to wonder if she went back out to her cabin in the woods where those men were at? Surely, she wouldn't do that, not by herself. Then Steve really got worried because she would do that. Steve left Crystal's apartment, putting the key back in its secret place. Then he took off for the cabin in the woods. He just hoped that nothing happened to her because if those men hurt her, there wouldn't be any place they could hide from him.

Back at the cabin, the men were getting restless. Spike asked,

"Where is your man? He's been gone too long. He had better not go to the cops, because if we go down, then you two are going down with us,"

Crystal replied, "I'm not sure where he's at but I do know that he didn't go to the police."

Spike said, "Well, if he doesn't come soon then you are going to be in big trouble."

Crystal just sat there in the chair, hoping and praying that Steve would come. She regrets ever getting into that stupid argument with him.

As Steve approached the cabin, he decided he would walk his bike and park it behind the cabin. He snuck up to the widow to see if he could see Crystal. He saw Crystal sitting on a chair at the table and she appeared to be alright. Now Steve had to get those thugs away from Crystal without getting her hurt. 

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