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  Y/n takes a deep breath and gets prepared to hop in the truck, together with multiple other people. They were all new recruiters for KorTac, most of them just young people.
"Here, let me help you." Said a man with a funny accent, reaching for y/n's hand. She gave him a small nod with a smile, and then she took his hand and got in. He then continued to help others get in with a nice smile.
Slowly, everyone managed to get in,putting their bags in othe back and laying down. They had a long road ahead. Y/n was sitting next to the edge, having a good view of the outside, looking at the rain that had just started slowly. In front of her sat, the nice guy who helped her and many others get inside. He sat down, letting out an exhausted growl.

  "Thank you, what you did was really nice." y/n finally decided to say, showing her appreciation.

  "Nothing to thank me for. We're all a team, after all!" Said the man, looking at her and smiling.

  "No man, what you did was really nice," said a woman that was sitting next to y/n
He scratched the back of his head, a little embarrassed.

"What's your name?" Asked y/n

  "Mik- no, call me Niko. What about you two?" He asked, looking at the two girls

  "I'm y/n!"

  "And I'm Maria,"

  "Uuu, fancy~" he tried to get a more comfortable on the ground.
They started to talk, more and more, getting to know each other. They told childhood stories, joked around, and over all created a friendship. They seemed like happy, full of life people, that y/n enjoyed being around
The rain outside stopped, making room for the bright, roundy moon that was on the night sky now. People we're getting quiet, mosy falling asleep.

  "We should probably try and rest too," suggested Niko softy "look at her, she's almost asleep " he said amused, pointing at Maria, who's head just fell on y/n shoulder. Y/n gave him a nod as he laid down.

  "Sleep well," y/n said softly, caring for the two new friends she just made

  "Dob- I mean, goodnight," Niko said before closing his eyes.
Y/n continued to look outside. They were located somewhere in the countryside. She admired the natural outside until her own eyes were starting to close, too. She tried to shift in a more comfortable position, trying not to wake anyone up. The tuck's rocking started to feel... comforting, and she fell asleep, too.

《I HOPE IT ISN'T SO BAD HAHA. I really do.》

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