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  Y/n woke up, all dizzy. Next to her bed was a plate with some food. She looked around, and the room was empty. She looked outside and saw that it was late, the sun was almost down. "Did i sleep for that long..?" She sat up on the edge of her bed and picked up the plate. Next to it, it had a note that said, "I got you some food, sleepy head;) -Maria."  Y/n smiled and started her meal. It was cold, but the gesture was sweet.

  She finished her foot and looked around. " Where is she... " she asked herself, looking around the room. She figured out that she was probably at Niko's room with their other friends. There was nothing she could, so she got up, put on a hoodie, and took a walk around the campus to explore it a little

  While walking outside, she noticed an isolated bench. The view was pretty, so she sat down and enjoyed herself a little. As she was daydreaming, starting into the distance, a voice interrupted her imagination.

  "Umm.. Hase? " said a voice situated someone behind. Confused y/n turned around.

  "H-huh..oh-  hi." Behind her was a tall man, wearing a black material on his face. Only his blue eyes were visible, and they were looking down at her. His arms were crossed, and he was towering over her.

  "Hi um- What are you doing out here?" The man asked with an austrian accent

  "Nothing actually... i just don't know where my friends are... so i went for a walk. " she could look at his intimidating posture anymore, so she looked away

  "Ja, i see," he said, taking a seat on the other side of the bench. "I come here when i get overwhelmed for some peace. It's kinda my quiet place." He crossed his arms a and legs, seeming a bit uncomfortable on the beach. He then turned to her. "Tell me, what is your name?"

  "I'm y/n... and you?"

  "König. "

  "Oh... well, nice to meet you! I'll give you the peace you came here for, " she said, getting up, wanting to apologize for her actions somehow, even tho she didn't really do anything wrong. She bowed her head down slightly and made some steps backward.

  "Oh no, don't worry. And feel free to come here anytime you want to... I can't call it 'my spot,' " He said, looking at her giggling.

  Y/n got up and couldn't help but smile back. She gave him a nod and turned ad, leaving him alone. She could hear him take a deep breath, and he let his head fall backward, relaxing.

  She went back inside, still looking  around the place. Suddenly, a voice called her name, and she turned around to see who it was. Marko was right behind her running towards her

  "We've been looking for you! Did you rest well?" He asked as he finally arrived next to her. He was slowly panting but kept his calming and caring smile.

  "Yes - thanks for asking...um-"

  "We forgot to tell you the number of the room, I'm sorry. Will you please come and spend time with us?"

  She nodded and followed him to the room. As she walked inside, they all greeted her and invited her to play some card games with them. She agreed, and they all sat on the floor laughing, screaming, and playing until dinner time.

  Two hours passed, and they returned to the cafeteria for dinner. Their table was taken, and the only one left was for four people, so someone would be left out. They exchanged a small look and then ran to the table, hoping to get a seat. Someone pushed y/n backward, she didn't see who, and fell on her butt while the other sat down. She got up trying not to seem by it.

  "Well, i guess I'll look for another seat." She tried not to seem bothered

  "Sorry y/n..." said Sylvie.

  Y/n gave them a wave before leaving and looking around for a free chair. She found a table isolated and sat down. It wasn't that big, but she was alone, so it was enough for her. "Who and why would they do that... what did i do to them?" She asked herself. It was so confusing,  she thought they're friends, that they like each other.

  The food arrived, and she ate slowly in silence. She felt... lonely, her head was full with thoughts about why didn't someone wanted her there and could she possibly have done wrong. People around her started to leave the cafeteria while she wasn't even half done with her food. While she was looking at her plate, she heard footsteps and looked up to see Horangi.

  "Everything ok? How come you're alone?" He asked, sitting down in front of her

  "Don't worry, the table was just full... and i didn't know where to sit, that's all!"

  "I'm not stupid, y/n. I saw you fall. Who did it? We don't allow such behaviors, " he said seriously, putting his elbows on the table, placing his palms together.

  "I- I don't know..." she said, looking down."Maybe it was just an accident! Don't worry. "

  "Fine, finished your food, alright?" He said, getting up and giving her a pet on her shoulder followed by a small shake." Next time, just sit with us. " he gave her a smile and then left. Y/n responded with a nod and continued her food. She stood up and walked to her dorm.

  She entered the room, and she could hear the shower running. Maria was taking a shower, so she took a seat on the edge of the bed.

  "Everything ok?.." Maria asked as she was leaving the bathroom.

   "Mhm," y/n said, "I'll go shower too. Thanks for asking. "

  The warm water was hitting her face and body now in a relaxing manner. She took a deep breath, trying to ignore and get over the dinner incident. She finished her shower, changed into pajamas, and left the bathroom but not before drying her haitlr.

  "Y/n..." Maria started. "...I'm sorry for what happened, i should have joined you and not let you stay alone..."

  "It's ok, really." she gave her a smile and sat on her bed, facing the wall. "We should try and get some sleep. Training tomorrow is early, and we'd be tired."

  "...alright," Maria responded, still worried about her and feeling bad.

《Meow♡(idk what to say)》

''𝐼 𝑇𝑅𝑈𝑆𝑇 𝑌𝑂𝑈'' -König x FWhere stories live. Discover now