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  The alarm woke up the two roommates. With an annoyed growl, they both got up, said their good mornings, and started to get ready. They had a small training in the morning, like a warm-up, to wake them all up and start the dey fresh. They went outside with other people and started.

  What they had to do was a small run, 800m, then a simple warm-up, and they were free to go to eat breakfast. The five friends met, and they started together, talking about simple stuff. How tired they are, how badly they slept, and how much they dislike whatever they had to do now. Surprisingly, they finished faster than expected, and they all together found their way into the cafeteria. While walking, y/n spotted the tall masked man. She excused herself to her friends and walked toward him.

  "Good morning König!" She said excitedly.

  "Oh- moin moin y/n," he said in a quiet tone, not expecting her to talk with him. Actually, he wasn't really expecting anyone to talk with him. He bought his palm to his chest, rubbing it nervously.

  "How did you sleep?" She asked, walking next to him now with her hands behind her back, looking up at him.

  "Gut, danke- I-I mean, good, thank you. How about you?"

  "Mmmm... was alright, woke up during the night, and it took me sooo long to fall back asleep, but i don't feel tired, haha, " she said smiling. For some reason, his intimidating presence wasn't that bad

  "Oh, that's good. I'm glad to hear that," he said, coughing a bit to fix his voice.

  "Um, what do you think we'll have for breakfast?" She was trying to keep the conversation going. She... liked him, she found him cool.

  "I'm thinking... eggs und bacon?" His voice seemed less tense.

  "That sounds really good, actually! And maybe with some cheese too... and tomatoes!"

  "Ja, that sounds good." she couldn't see his face, but by the way his voice sounded, she knew he was smiling. Happiness appeared in her chest, making it warm up on the inside.

  They both entered the cafeteria, but they had to walk in different directions to different tables. Y/n walking towards her friends while König went in the other direction. She was a bit sad that he couldn't sit with him. "Why would i even want that, i barely know him.." she told herself, trying to ignore the feeling. As she almost got her friends, a hand touched her shoulder.

  "Wanna sit with us for breakfast?" She turned around, and behind her was Horangi. She looked at him then ag her friends, like wanting their opinion.

  "It's ok, go." Sylvie said, smiling.

  "See you later, guys, I promise!" She responded, walking with Horangi.

  "I saw you two talk today, I'm honestly impressed!" He told her wit a bit amusement in his tone.

  "Huh? Oh! Yeah, he's cool!!! Wait, what do you mean??"

  "I know the guy for some time, you know? He doesn't talk like that with strangers." He said, giving her a small fist bump. She played rubbed her arm, letting out a childish 'ouchy'.

  "Everyone, greet my new friend, alright?" Horangi said as he walked next to y/n to a table with more people, giving her another pat on her shoulder.

  "Will you scare her away, too?" Playfully asked a man with a beard.

  "Shut it, Aksel! Don't be a pain in the ass!" he responded playfully. As the two men had their own little childish fight, she took a seat right next to Valerie and König.

  "Men. Am i right?" Valeria asked, smiling, shaking her head, watching the two. Y/n let out a small giggle, approving with a nod as she watched them too.

  "Do they do that a lot?" Y/n asked.

  "Mhm." König responded. "Yet, they remain friends."Y/n laughed again, covering her mouth and leaning forwards. The two stopped once the food arrived. Y/n was just there, eating in silence while they talked about people she couldn't recognize by name. She turned to König and asked softy :


  "Ah, don't worry, Hase. Just teammates. " he responded softly, looking at her. Now that he was closer, she had the chance to take a better look at him. She observed his blue eyes, looking tired yet sweet and calm. His long lashes and the dark paint on his skin, that was fadingaway in some spots. She watched as he looked away embarrassed and-"oh shit!-"

  "I'm sorry!" She tried excusing herself.

  "Kein Problem- I.. I mean no p-problem!" he said, placing his palm on his face.

  "Um... your eyes are.. really nice, " she said softly, thinking it might help.

  "Danke... yours too.." he responded, not looking at her out of embarrassment.

  "God... I made this so awkward!" She told herself, stuffing food in her mouth to try and keep it shut. "Did I ruin the small bound we had?..."

  She continued her meal in silence, trying not to make the situation worse. König did the same. With one hand, he was holding the lower part of his mask, and with the other one, he held the fork, eating quietly and avoiding her or anyone else's eyes. "I'll find a way to get rid of this awkwardness between us." She told herself, thinking and planning scenarios for what she can do and his possible reactions.

  Her plate was empty now, and she still didn't have a certain plan on what she was going to do. As the others finished to, they thanked for the food, and she got stood up, walking towards the exit. Her steps were not slow at all, y/n just wanted to reach her room and relax a bit before training.

  "Wait, wanna come to my room?" A voice said right before she left the cafeteria. It was Niko. He was looking at her with his usual friendly smile.

  "Mhm, that sounds nice." She said, returning the smile.

  "Cool! Let's go, " he said, walking next to her. "The others should be there too."

《I'm trying so hard not to make y/n and König already date😭》

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