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Y/n and Maria dressed up and hurried to the cafeteria. On the way they met with Niko and Mark and y/n made sure to get her revenge on Niko. She smacked the back of his head, pulling her tongue out like a little kid. He let out a small "ouch" then laughed at her childish actions. Marko just watched the two, laughing, while Maria was scolding Niko. The four friends just laughed together.

Sylvie joined the group as they all arrived at the cafeteria, taking a seat next to them. The noises around them where quiet loud. People were talking, wounding how their first train will be like. Suddenly, Valeria walks in next to another man with his face covered and heavy equipment.

"Everyone, quiet down!" The man said with a husky voice, sending shivers down everyone's spine. Valeria placed her hand on his shoulder before taking a deep breath and speaking.

"We have divided you in two teams. One will have physical training and the othe one and the shooting range. On the third training, you'll switch. Team A will come with me, we'll do physical training while Team B will go with Nikto at the shooting range" her firm voice echoed in the room. She then started to name the people assigned in Team A and then Team B.

"Ahwww... I wished we were all in the same team..." Maria whispered

"Yeah, that would have been great" Sylvie added.

They left the cafeteria after the announcement ended. Sylvie and Maria went to the right following Nikto while y/n, Niko and Marko were led by Valeria outside.

They started with a 1.5km run then a warm up. Afterwards, Valeria divided them in groups of 5 and put them through obstacle course. Luckily for y/n, she ended up with Marko and she made sure to rub that into Niko's face. She managed to annoy him, causing him to roll his eyes and push her away.

"You're so sassy" she said laughing, glad that succeeded. It was so funny to her.

"You're so annoying!!" Niko protested, trying not to laugh. He didn't wanna admit it but he found her behavior funny, seeing her as a little sister more and more.

"Stop it you two! I feel like taking care of two kids" Marko pulled the two apart, chuckling himself too.

They went to their teams, getting ready. The circuit wasn't thaf difficult. They had a small run followed by a thin bar they had to walk over, jumping over a 1.5m wooden wall, crawling under web made out of rope and then climbing a big turn using a rope they have to attach to the top, getting down and the all done.

Y/n and Marko were in a team with three other guys and they were the last team. Before them, all the teams succeed, completing the exercises without any troubles. It was their turn now.

"Ready, set... go!" At Valerie's signa they ran. Everything went amazing. They all ran fast, walked on the wooden bar with excellent balance, jumped over the wall, one of y/n's teammates even helped her out. They then crawled under the web and reached the tour. Marko and another massive teammate stayed at the base while 2 other man climbed on their shoulders and y/n used them to get to the top. She attached the rope to a wooden pillar then threw it down. Her teammates then climbed up. When everyone reached the top she threw the rope on the other side of the tower and they hurried down using the rope. Y/n waited for them to get down, being the last one to climb down.

Y/n took the rope in her hands, looked down, took a deep breath, and made her was down. She took another look at the ground, she was almost there. Joy filled her heart as she say her teammates cheating her "almost there!" She told herself. The rope snapped. She had around 200m left/7 ft. She let out a small scream as she was falling down. Her right shoulder rubbed against the tower as she was falling down. Her leg got stuck on the broken rope and she fell on her back.

"Y/N!" Marko screamed running towards her and kneeling next to her.

" Shit..." she said rubbing her shoulder. Her blouse had a hole and blood was running down her arm, dripping on the green grass. Even the tower had blood stains. She stood up, holding her arm.

"Are you ok?!" Valeria asked, a big worried, walking towards her. Neko was just covering his mouth in pure shock walking towards her too.

"Move!" A voice screamed from the distance.

"Who...? What?" Y/n asked herself. From in-between the people that gathered around, a tall man appeared "König...?"

"I said MOVE!" He screamed, making his way to y/n. He pulled her arm towards him aggressively and wrapped a piece of material around her arm.

"I'm fin-" y/n tried to talk but he cut her out.

"Don't give me that!" He said angrily, causing her to flinch. He tightened the material on her hand then took her other hand and pulled her "come, you're probably full with splinters"

"I'm fine!" She tried saying, to stop him from dragging her around. He turned around glaring at her. He then picked her up and put her over is shoulder, complaining in german.

《Scary war princess 🤭》

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