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  Niko opened the door to his room for  y/n, and they both walked in. Inside were Marko and Maria, already waiting for them. "Wait... where's Sylvie?" y/n asked herself.

  "Hi!" Maria said excitedly, while Marko gave them a small wave. "Y/n, we have to tell you our plan too!" The girl stood up and placed her palms on y/n's shoulder, shaking her slightly with a smile that was going from ear to ear.

  "Sit down," Marko said gently, shifting to the left on the bed so she'll have enough space without feeling uncomfortable. Y/n took a seat on the edge of the bed and then looked at them with a curious glimp in her eyes.

  "What's going on?.." y/n asked.

  "Sylvie's birthday is next week, on Thursday. We were thinking about throwing a small surprise party for her." Niko said, leaning on the wall with his arms crossed. He had a soft expression on his face and a warm, gentle smile.

  "That sounds amazing! You guys are so sweet..." y/n responded.

  "You seem to get along well enough with the superiors, mind asking if.... you know? " Marko asked.

  "Yeah, sure! I'll see what I can do. Honestly, I'm so excited!" y/n was smiling a lot. She thought of her reaction and how happy that'll make her, a surprise party sounding amazing! Plus, seeing others happy was bringing her joy too.

  "Let's see what decorations we could make," Maria suggested.

  They all sat on the floor, creating a plan. Where they could host the small party, what presents to make, what to buy or craft and how they could get a cake and maybe some alcohol. After they discussed it a little, they decided it's time to ask for permission. Y/n stood up and left the room, looking around for Horangi, him being the one she's closest to. She was asking everyone if they saw him anywhere, but no one knew.

  "You're looking for Horangi?" A voice spoke while she was talking with another man.

  "Yes! Do you maybe know where he is?!"

  "Yeah, he stays next to my room," the soldier responded. "Come, I'll show you." Y/n followed him all the way to the next floor. The man pointed at a door, then left. Y/n thanked him and knocked at the door.

  "YEAH? Hold on a bit, " a voice screamed from the other side. Y/n waited with her hands behind her back and rocking on her feet back and forth, being a bit anxious. "Y/n? Everything ok?" Horangi asked, still fixing his t-shirt.

  "Oh hi! Yes, I'm fine, don't worry. Can we talk about something small, sir?"

  "Yeah, come in." He held the door open, signaling her to walk in. She gave him a nod as a 'thank you 'and she closed the door behind her. "What do you wanna talk about?"

  "Well, first of all, you put your t-shirt with the back on the front." She began, letting out a small giggle. "Second of all, it's about a friend's birthday."
  "What about it?" He asked while checking his t-shirt to see if he put it on the wrong way. "Shit..." he said before taking his shirt off and putting it back the right way.

  "Well, it's Sylvie's birthday, and we were thinking if we can host a small surprise party for her this weekend. " y/n continued.

  "Yeah, sure. That's seems really thoughtful. " he said, smiling.

  "But where can we... and from where can we get a cake? And decorations and-"

  "I'll take care of the cake. And you guys can use the conference room, we already have decorations, " he said, smiling.

  "Really?! Thank you!!!" She said, clapping excited. Seeing her so happy, he chuckled softly.

  "But there are some rules, ok?" He said, shaking his head "not to much alcohol, only on Saturday night, and if someone complains about the noises, you guys have to stop it, alright?"

  "Understood! Could you help us?" Her eyes were filled with hope and pure happiness.

  "Sure, with what?" How could he refuse her? She was just like a happy puppy swinging its tail and tapping with its paws.

  "Well... could you act serious and mad, like something bad happened and walk her to the room? And the boom!!! Surprise!~"

  He laughed slightly and agreed with her. Seeing her so involved in making her friend feel appreciated and happy  warmed up his heart, she had such a pure soul.

  "Let's make a group chat, alright? So we can discuss much easier." Horangi suggested. They exchanged numbers, and afterwards, y/n thanked him, leaving his room, jumping happily like a little girl.

  She walked back into Matko's and Niko's room to tell them the news. They thanked her geniuly and gave her their numbers, and they all created a group chat.

《What's y'all fav pizza? You must be hungry down there in my basement 😔》

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