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  König knocked at y/n's door, and she opened it in no time.

  "Hi! I really appreciate your help, " she said with a smile. He nodded as a response. In his hands, he was carrying in his hands a box with glue, paper, scissors, and many other things. He placed it on the floor, put his hands on his waist, and took a deep breath.

  "Hallo, how's your hand?" He asked, panting a little.

  "Hm? Ah, I'm fine, " she responded, talking a look at the things inside the box."Thanks for getting the materials!"

  "Kein Problem," he said, chuckling and sitting on the floor too, watching her. "I'm not that good with things like that..."

  "Don't worry! It's really easy!" She picked up a pencil and traced some shapes on the colorful paper "here. Can you cut these for me?"

  "Ja." He picked up the scissors and cut out the shape. His head was tilted slightly to the right, and he was going slow and carefully. Y/n smiled seeing him like this. He was just like a little kid trying his best not to cut outside the counter she made.

  After cutting the paper in the right shapes, they now had to clue them together to cive it a con form.

  "Help me hold it," y/n said, trying to keep the paper together. With a nod, he placed his tumbs on the paper and kept it in place until the glue dried.

  "There," he said, letting go of the paper. It stayed in shape, looking very cute, actually. "We made this..." he told himself, smiling.

  "Can you cut the others?" She asked, pointing at the colorful papers. He gave her a nod and picked up the scissors again. She just asked him to do that because she found his body language cute. She could have done them herself, maybe even better than him, but the sight of this big man in front of her doing something so delicate was melting her heart.

  While König was cutting the papers, she prepared pompoms for the tip of the party hats and cut strings that they would use to tie them around their heads.

  "Done." He said, handing y/n the papers.

  "Let's glue them!" She picked up the glue and squeezed some on the edge.

  "Hi!" Maria walked suddenly, seeming a bit stressed.

  "Everything ok?" Y/n asked.

  "Yeah, just have to go training." She responded, taking some clothes out of the wardrobe and walking in the bathroom, closing the door behind her. After some time, she flew out the door, disappearing on the hallways.

"Sometimes I'm grateful I got injured, haha!" Y/n joked

"What- why?!" He seemed a bit worried and slightly upset.

"Shhh, don't worry," she tried calming him down. "All I mean is that so much training must be exhausting." She continued.

"I guess..." he agreed. "But it won't be like this for that long,"


"Yeah, it's like testing... to see who's strong enough- but you don't know from me!"

  "Alright, that's good," she said, sighing relaxed. "Help me with gluing?" König placed his thumbs on the paper, helping her again.

  They were all glued, with the pompoms on top and with their strings attached. Shs picked up the red party hat, placed it on his head, and while giggling, she tied the strings. She sat back next to him and looked up at him, covering her mouth while laughing. His body tensed up, and his mind froze. A moment later, he was back. He picked up the pink one and placed it on her head, tying it.

''𝐼 𝑇𝑅𝑈𝑆𝑇 𝑌𝑂𝑈'' -König x FWhere stories live. Discover now