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  In the middle of the night, y/n woke up and was unable to sleep. After rolling around in bed and switching positions, she decided to just get up and walk around until she felt sleepy again. "It's probably because of my long nap," she told herself. Maria was sleeping like a baby, so she had no problems with seeking outside.

  As she walked around, she noticed the shooting range and walked in. She looked around, inspecting the weapons. She found a pistol that looked so funny to her, sometimes she hadn't seen it before. With a small giggle, she picked it up and acting like she was shooting

  "Pew pew! PAOW!!" she turned around, acting childish and pointing and random objects in the room. She then blew on it, like in the movie. Behind her, she heard a giggle and looked to see who it was.

  "Waw, you destroyed them!" Said a familiar voice. It was Horangi. He shook his head before walking in, still laughing.

  "Uh-" y/n face was red like a tomato, clearly embarrassed. She was speechless, not knowing what to say.

  "The thing you were playing around is a Berreta 70, an old little guy. We keep it more as with a collection meaning, " he said, walking towards her.

  "I don't wanna be mean... but it looks like it has down syndrome -" y/n said, looking at the pistol.

  Horangi's laugh got louder and more intense. He picked up the gun from her hand and told her a bit of its history.

  "What are you even doing here? You were supposed to sleep, " he said

  "Yeah... I just can't. I had a long nap today, " she responded

  "Is that why you didn't come down at lunch?"

  She gave him a nod. Horangi sat down on a chair and looked at her, signaling her to get closer to him

  "We need to talk. " he said a bit worried. "Don't let people humiliate you, alright? Have you talked with anyone else besides those 4 friends of yours? I'm just worried, " he said, looking up at her

  "Not really..." she responded," Just with you and... a tall guy, i think his name was Ku...K... König?"

  "With König?" He asked, surprised

  "Yeah - is that wrong?" Y/n was visibly confused by his reaction, not knowing if she did something wrong or if he was a dangerous guy that she should keep distance from.

  "No,no,no! I'm just surprised... he doesn't really talk, he's... more on the quiet side. " he was rubbing his chin, seeming confused too.

  "Oh... well, I just sat on a bench, and he came too. Then we had a small talk ! And afterward, i left to give him some 'quiet time.' "

  "Ah, the isolated bench? He goes there a lot, " he said before taking her hands in his palms."Look, he's a very nice guy. Like a bear: looks scary but is a softy. Just... please don't be mean with him. He's a really close friend of mine."

  "I-I won't! Don't worry, I could never do that!!!"

  "Thanks. Maybe you could become friends?" He said, his voice sounding more... happy. "As i said, he's very quiet, so he doesn't have many friends, actually... none besides me, and we don't talk much either. I'm sure you'd like him. "

  "I'll... I'll try to talk with him again." She said, smiling, a bit excited to meet someone new.

  "Thanks," he said, getting up. "Now go back to your room and try to get some sleep, alright?". He started to walk towards the door.

  "Mhm! Goodnight, " she said, following him out and walking towards her room.

  "König... he did seem nice. Friends with him, huh? Why not give it a chance, I guess. " she told herself while walking."h."Heems scary th, tho.aah, Horangi must know him better thethan anyways, I'll just take his word. How do I even talk with him? Should I tell my other friends about it? Maybe i can sit with him at lunch... or train with him and start a conversation?" She shook her head."What am I even thinking- it'll probably be so awkward..."

  She opposed the door to her room and laid down in bed, still thinking about Horangi's words. Her body fell on the bed, being a bit tired now. She took her pillow and cuddled it before talking a deep breath and closing her eyes, drifting off to sleep while listening to the sounds of nature outside. It was like a lullaby, and it had the same effect on her.

《This is the Beretta 70 btw and it looks so stupid lmao it's so small😭》

《This is the Beretta 70 btw and it looks so stupid lmao it's so small😭》

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