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  He carried her to the nurse office and placed her down on a bed, gently. Y/n stayed quiet not, meeting his gaze.

  "Look... I'm sorry " he said in a soft tone "I was just...afraid." he tried explaining himself.

  "It's fine...you're just- scary when mad..." she told him, not meeting his eyes.

  "I didn't mean to scare you.." he said kneeling infront of her and placing his big hands on her kneed.

  "It's ok, really. Thanks for caring. "

  "Can I take care of your wound now?" He asked softy looking into her eyes.

  "Yeah.." she responded, watching him get up and pick up a first aid kit.

  "I promise I'll buy you a new one myself." He told her as he started to cut the sleeve on her injured arm. As he faced the wound now, he sighed deeply and shook his head.

  "Come on, it's can't be that bad..." she tried convincing herself.

  "This might hurt a lot." Is all he said and he placed pure alcohol on a towel and began cleaning her wound.

  "Fuck- that hurt.." she whispered.

  "Here," he said giving her his free hand. She grabbed it and squeezed it tightly and he continued to cleaned her wound, taking out the small wooden spikes too

  Valeria walked in, followed by Marko and Niko as König was wrapping a bandage over it.

  "Everything ok?" Valeria asked, stepping closer to y/n.

  "Can we talk outside, bitte." König scary serious voice was back. He stod up and walked outside with Valeria. As they left the room, Niko and Marko ran to y/n to check up on her.

  "I'm fine guys, don't worry " she assured them, standing up. She gave them a small hug before sitting back down on the bed.

  "That guy... he's so scary " Marko said.

  "And mean, honestly " Niko added.

  "Guys! That's not true. I've talked with him before, he's really nice and calm, he said he's just 'worried' " y/n shut the two up.

  "Still..." Marko mumbled

  "And why does he care so much?!" Niko protested.

  "Calm down you two! He helped me after all"

  "I guess..." Niko finally gave in.

Outside, König had a rather heated conversation with Valeria.

  "How the hell did it just break?! Can we PLEASE pay more attention to the equipment?! What if she got badly injured!" König said frustrated.

  "Ay dios mío, König! What's gotten into you?" Valeria said surprised.

  "And the fact that you didn't hurried up to check her, why?!" König continued.

  "Her teammates was already there and she was standing up-" she got cut out by him.

  "Still! They're all new recruiters, what if she had something more serious and they didn't know?!"

  "König..." she said softly "really, what's gotten into you...?"

  "Nothing! I just... I was worried, ok?"

  "I've never seen you so worried about anyone before,  do you know her or something?" She asked making one steep closer to him.

  "Nein... well, we did talk a bit..." his voice softened and his body was relaxed now.

  "Hm?" She was forcing words out of his mouth at this point.

  "She just did the effort to start a conversation with me. Valeria, I think she wants to be friends... and I like that." He continued, a bit embarrassed.

  "I see König, I'm glad you're comfortable with someone, I'll take good care of her, alright?" She said smiling at him.

  "Danke... wait, don't make it weird!!" Valeria let out a laugh.

  "I'm just happy you made a friend " she said patting his chest before turning away and walking away. König took a deep breath and walked back inside.

  "Y/n," he said softly "no training until I say so, alright?"

  "What?!" She protested "But i want to!!"

  "He's right, y/n" Marko backed him up "it's your right hand anyways, you can't do much." Niko agree with a nood.

  "I guess..." she said a bit disappointed. She then walked towards the door "Thank you, König."

  "Kein Problem, Schatz." He said cleaning the place around a bit "Ah, after you take a shower, please ask anyone to redo your bandage. You can come to me if you want to."

  "Um, sure!" She responded with a smile "What's your room number?"

  "306" König responded, closing the cabinet with medicines.

  "See you tonight?" She asked standing in the doorway.

  "Sure." He followed her out, waiting for Niko and Marko to leave too, before locking the door "Now go back to your rooms!" They went they're separate ways.

  "Scary?... I don't think he's that scary."
Y/n told herself. "I'd say he's quite sweet... wait!!! I think we're not in an awkward situation anymore! I mean, based on his acting today... I think we're fine!" A smile was born on her face and a weight lift off her chest.

  She walked in her room and changed her clothes and sat on her bed, waiting for her roommate to arrive too. She eventually got bored and looked around the room mindlessly. "Window... never checked the vew..." she walked towards the window and looked outside. "Is that..." she observed that from her window you could see "König's spot". For some unknown reason, that made her happy and a giggle escaped her mouth.

  "Shit, that was horible!" Maria complained while walking in the room.

  "What happened?" Y/n asked, turning around.

  "That russiam guy, stresses me out so much!!" She continued "he's not generally mean, but he's scary! And that's stressful "

  "Ahw, I'm sorry to hear that" y/n sat back on the bed.

  "Like- wait... what happened to you?!" Maria walked towards her.

  "Ah, a rope just ripped and i fell-"

  "ARE YOU OK?!" she asked inspecting her arm.

  "Yeah, König took care of me."

  "König?" Maria looked at her with a curious glimp in her eyes.

  "Uhh... big guy, wears a weird- i don't even know..." she said giving up on trying to explain, she'd sound nuts.

  "Doesn't matter, it's good as long as you're fine" Maria smiled at her and y/n returned it. "Lay down now, alright? Relax a bit" Maria walked to her closet and changed too while y/n laid down.

  "Plan on reading the book again today?" Y/n asked smiling.

  "Yeah, until lunch. Want me to read out loud?"

  "Yes please." She put the blanket over herself, taking a deep breath and just relaxing, feeling like she's sinking in the bedsheets. Maria laid down too, picked up her book and read from it while y/n listed to her, feeling at peace.

《König in a nurse outfit?🧐》


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