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Y/n woke up early, deciding to do the morning warm-up. She got out of bed, got dressed, and went outside with her friend. They met with Marko, Niko, and Sylvie, and they started their run, talking about all kind of things.

They were all done, so they went inside. On her way, y/n felt a hand oh her shoulder. She turned around and was faced with a masked man. "I've seen him before..." y/n thought.

"Morning recruit," he said. "I've heard about your injury, and i wanna apologize. "

"Good morning sir, why would you apologize?" She said, confused.

"When I saw you were missing, I thought you just wanted to skip, so i ended up saying some mean things." He said with a serious tone.

"Oh, no worries!" She said with a smile." I should have informed you, it's fine, Nikto." He gave her a small shake and a tap.

"Now go eat, kiddo." She nodded respectfully and continued her way.

She sat at the table next to her friends. Y/n decided to ask them how the third training was for them yesterday, and just listened. They were complaining a bit but still talking about fun experiences. Y/n felt a had ruffle her hair.

"Good morning!" Said Horangi. Y/n looked up at him and also noticed König next to him. He didn't say anything, just gave her a wave.

"Good morning!" She responded and returned König's wave. Her friends greeted them too.

"You seem like you made more friends, hm?" Sylvie said, smiling.

"Yeah I think, they're cool." She responded a bit shy.

They finished their meal and went back to their rooms.

"What present will we give Sylvie?" Asked Maria after closing the door of their room behind her.

"I was thinking about making her something. " y/n said while looking through her bag.

"Like what?"

"Well, I was thinking about crosheing her something and maybe get her a chocolate too!" Y/n took out of her bag some yarn and multiple crochet hook.

"Oh? What will you make her?" Maria said, taking a look at the fluffy thick yarn.

"Something like a strawberry cow to fit the cake, haha!"

"That's actually SO CUTE!" Maria said happily."Hey, can you do something for me?"

"Hm? What is it?"

"You're going at the shop today, right?" She started. "I was thinking about making her one of those snack baskets. Can you pick up some stuff for me?"

"Sure! Give me a list and consider it done!" Y/n told her, giving her a wink. Maria picked up a pencil and wrote down a list, and then gave it to her. Y/n took it and put it in her pocket.

"I'll probably also write her a small poem." Maria said as she sat down at the small desk they had in their room. Y/n started her project, too, helping Maria with words at the same time when she got stuck.

Time flew by so fast, and it was time for training again. Y/n finished almost half of the cow while Maria was already done with her poem and had some time to lay down.

"I'll get ready now." Maria said while getting up.

"Alright! Y/n responded, still cozy under her blanket, crosheing. After y/n left, she put down the sting and her hook. She stood up and went through her bag. She took out her old teddy bear.

The teddy was light brown, and he had some little holes. She stiched them carefully and replaced the stuffing with new one, making it fluffy again. She cut the black blouse, the one she wore when she got injured, getting rid of the sleeves and making it shorter plus adding two holes. She also sneaked out and got a bit of bleach from the janitor. She used the bleach to make one long line underneath both eyes.

"It really does look like him, huh?" She said, satisfied, holding up the teddy. She took out her phone and texted König to come to her room.

In about 5 minutes, someone knocked at y/n's door. She rushed to the door, leaving the teddy on her bed, under the blanket.

"Ja, Schatz?" He said, basically towering over her.

"Come inside, I have to show you something!" She said hile running to her bed. König followed her and sat on the edge of the bed.

"What is it y/n? Is everything ok?" He said a bit worried.

"Yes, yes, now close your eyes!" König did as told and closed his eyes, resting his hands on his lap. Y/n took out the teddy and placed it on his chest.

"What's this?" He said, holding the teddy and opening his eyes. He noticed the mask he wore, and he realized it resembled him.

"It's my comfort plush!" She said with a big smile. "I've always hugged him when I felt stressed, afraid, and anxious. I'm doing so much better now, so i decided to give him to you, I know he'll help you!" König looks at the teddy and squeezed it with his thumbs a bit.

"Did you make the mask?" Y/n nodded. "And you want me to keep it? Really...?" He said, not believing her.

"Yes! I used to call him Manni, but you can change his name."

"Manni, huh?" He said, looking at the plush."You really think I... need it?"

"Take him and see!"

"Alright.." he said, giving the plush a hug."Did it- I mean, he really helped you with anxiety?" He laid down on his back with his feet off the bed, holding the teddy.

"Yep!" She picked up her hook again and continues crosheing.

"Can I really have him?" He asked again, looking at her.

"Of course" she said softly. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, keeping the plush close to him.

"It really feels nice... hey, Schatz?"


"Do you mind if i stay here with you for a bit?" He asked climbing fully on her bed.

"Sure," she said softly "Are you tired?" She asked while putting the blanket over his body too.

"Mmh... just feels nice," he said softly. Y/n took the pillow underneath her at placed it under his head and then moved next to him, continuing her cow.

König started to snore softly after some minutes, clearly falling asleep. When she realized that she placed her hand on his back, rubbing it gently. König shifted his body closer to her, wrapping his arm around her and used her as a pillow. He was still breathing heavily, remaining asleep. Y/n smiled, watching him sleep all cuddled around her.

''𝐼 𝑇𝑅𝑈𝑆𝑇 𝑌𝑂𝑈'' -König x FWhere stories live. Discover now