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Y/n picked up her phone to check the time. It was almost time for lunch. She waited for Maria to finish the sentence and then interrupted her.

"It's almost lunchtime. We should go." Y/n said.

"Oh, alright," Maria closed her book and stood up, stretching. Y/n did the same, and they both left the room.

The cafeteria was pretty empty, so they easily found a table for 5. Sylvie walked in, and the two girls waved at her, signaling the table they occupied for all five of them. She noticed them and walked towards them, greeting each other. Sylvie took a seat next to Maria, fixing her hair.

"How was training?" Y/n asked.

"Was... alright. Could have been better, " Sylvie responded a bit amused. "How was it for you?"

"It was alright. Not gonna lie, was quite fun!" She said, smiling and fixing the sleeve of her t-shirt. A hand touched y/n's healthy sholder, and she flinched. When she turned around, her eyes met Valeria's

"How are you?" She asked."Better?"

"Yeah, thanks for asking, " y/n responded with a smile that was immediately returned back by Valeria.

"Get well soon." She said before giving her a small squeeze and walking away.

"What is she talking about?" Sylvie asked, curious and a bit worried.

"The rope ripped while training, nothing much," she answered, trying to make her worries disappear. Sylvie took a deep breath and then said:

"I hope you get well soon," she smiled, tho in her eyes, you could still find a glimp of worries.

The boys were here too, and they all sat together, talking about how the first training went. The food arrived soon after them. It was warm and delicious. They enjoyed it, eating in silence for the rest of the meal. The silence was ruined by Marko's innocent question.

"Does anyone want my dessert?" Has all he had to do to turn the three girls into needy little kids.

"ME! I WANT IT!!" Maria said.

"I DESERVE IT MORE!!!" Screamed Sylvie.


"You don't need sweets, you won't train!" Said Sylvie.

"Yeah, you don't need energy!!!" Maria had her back.

"Exactly, I'm injured, have some sympathy!!!" Marko couldn't help but laugh loudly as she watched the three argue. It all stopped when Niko took the sweet, opened it, and shoved it in his mouth.

"There, not it's mine!"

"HEY!!" they protested in one voice. Sylvie took his own dessert and ate it. Niko then took Maria's, Maria stole Sylvie's, and she grabbed y/n's.

y/n protested. Marko was almost on the floor, laughing. "How did I end up with none?!" She crossed her arms and puffed madly. They looked at her with their mouths full, not being able to control themselves they started laughing too. Y/n couldn't help but smile lightly, too.

"Should we go?" Sylvie asked, looking around. The cafeteria was getting kinda empty.

"Yeah, let's go," Marko approved, standing up. As y/n was about to make one step toward the exit, a voice called for her.

"Y/n, wait!" Y/n turned around and saw König walking towards her.

"Is... everything ok?"

"Ja," he responded, "here." He handed her the dessert they all received, but she didn't get to taste.

"For me?" She asked, surprised. "Is this...yours?" He nodded.

"I've noticed that you didn't really get to taste it," he said, not meeting her eyes. She took it and then divided the dessert in two.

"Here, half for you and half for me!" The big smile on her face caused König to smile under his mask, too. She sat back at the table while the others left who took a seat right next to her. His eyes were glued to y/n, and through his eyes, you could read his heart . He was happy, that's for sure, and he felt comfortable enough around her to show that. He let out a small giggle as he received his half.

"You didn't need to do this, you know that?" He said, pulling his mask up, over his nose, and eating his half. She gave him a playful eye roll before starting her half of the dessert, too.

"Mm.." she mumbled with her mouth still full before swallowing."König?"

"Hm?" He answered, letting the material covering his face fall back down.

"Why are you...um, wearing that on your face?" She asked, reaching towards his mask. He flinched, his muscles tensing up. She backed away. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to!-"

"It's fine..." he said, looking away. "I don't wanna talk about it, not now." He was visibly sad. His voice was even more quiet than before, and little voice cracks were present.

She felt her heart sinking into her stomach. "Did i hurt him?... did i go to far?" Her heart was being squeezed, and she felt like something was stopping her from breathing. Without thinking much, she gave him a hug, wrapping her arms around his big body as much as she could and squeezing him lightly. She apologized again in a whisper, not letting go of him, feeling truly guilty.

Y/n's arms wrapped around him. His body tensed even more. His body heat was rising, and his heart was beating faster. "A hug?... didn't expect that..." he thought to himself. He looked down at her, allowing his body to reax in her arms. "Never received one before..." He wrapped his own hands around her body,"so... small and fragile." He took a deep breath and squeezed her too as she started to apologize again. "I think I like hugs," he was now smiling again, feeling relaxed, surprising, more than usual.

Y/n broke the hug with one last apologize and König gave her a small head pat before standing up.

"Don't worry, I feel good now, thanks to your hug." He said while walking away. Y/n watched him leave before getting up herself and going to her room.

Y/n was smiling the whole way back. She met Maria, who was on her way out to play basketball with other people. They greeted each other and continued their way.

The injured girl was back in her room now. She took out her phone and texted the group chat while laying on her back with her legs against the wall.

《Unpopular opinion, but König's hugs are probably like hugging an oversized teddy bear 🤭》

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