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  She walked into his bathroom, somehow admiring it. It wasn't the cleanest, but she found it fascinating. She noticed shower products laying inside the shower, his towel that was still wet, his face paint on a shelf above the sink, his toothbrush, toothpaste, a face cream, his razor and other things she didn't really know what they were. On the ground were his dirty clothes. Almost like an instinct, she kneeled next to his clothes and packed them nicely. She then put them on his bed.

  When she came back, she noticed his cologne bottle on the floor, too. "god, I really did rush him, huh?" She picked it up and took a look at the bottle."He won't notice..." she told herself before spraying a bit on the inside of her shirt.

  She finished her business, washed her hands, and left the bathroom, not wanting to make him wait any longer. She hurried out, and when she opened the door, she noticed König that was talking with Horangi.

  "And then- what are you doing y/n?!" Horangi asked as she left his room.

  "I just-" she tried saying but immediately got cut out.

  "I changed her bandage," König said. Horangi looked at both of them from head to toe.

  "Yeah... sure." He said after analyzing them.

  "Please don't make it weird..." y/n begged him.

  "Can we just go down?" König said, already walking.

  "Hey! Wait for me!" Y/n said while running after him.

  "These two..." Horangi whispered, shaking his head as he walked behind them.

  The three went to their table, where Val and Aksel were already sitting down.

  "Hi, y/n!" Val said, seeming excited to see her. "I got you something, I feel bad for your injury..." she added before standing up and walking towards her.

  "Hi everyone-" she said, surprised. "No, no, no, don't worry!" Valeria put a box of chocolates in her hands anyways. There was nothing else she could do but take it, thank her, and give her a small hug.

  They all sat together, and they started talking about their things, just last time. The only difference now was that König and y/n weren't silent, and they have their own conversation.

  "When will we go for the ingredients?" Y/n asked König.

  "I'm thinking... maybe when they're training? So there's no possible way she'll see anything. " König responded.

  "But what if she has to go outside? And she just sees cake ingredients and candles"

  "You're right... then when is everyone busy and inside?" König asked himself.

  "At lunch. " Horangi joined the conversation while eating.

  "But when will they eat then, deepshit?" Aksel added.

  "What's going on?" Valeria asked, whipping her mouth.

  "Were you guys listening?" Y/n asked, looking confused at them.

  "Yeah, haven't really seen him talk so much," said Valeria, pointing at König. "It just caught my attention." Y/n looked at König, almost like expecting an answer from him, but he just shrugged, seeming confused too.

  "We'll just go at lunch, I guess. Maybe we can eat later. " y/n said, getting back to their subject.

  "It'll be cooollddd!" König complained like a kid.

  "Just eat out or something." Horangi told them, rolling his eyes.

  "Ay, that sounds nice!" Y/n agreed happily.

"I guess we can do that," he responded softly, continuing his food.

  "So what's all this about?" Valeria asked again. Y/n explained to her their plan for the surprise party. "That's so sweet," she said, impressed by her kindness.

  After finishing their food, they returned to their room. Y/n arrived after Maria, who was already in bed. They greeted each other, and then Maria signaled her to come sit next to her on the bed.

  "Something wrong?" Asked yn resting her back on the wall and bringing her knees closer to her.

  "What's the deal with you and the scary guy?" Maria asked, excited, smiling and clapping on her legs.

  "Huh? What do you mean? What scary guy?"

  "The tall one,"


  "Yes!! Now tell me what's going on between you two!" She hold her hands, shaking them.

  "N-nothing, what do you mean?" She said, looking away.

  "Oh, come on! He's so protective over you, and you two are together so much lately! Plus, Niko said that his tone changed so much when you were around at the nurse office! So what's going on?~" y/n's face turned red, so red a tomato would be jealous.

  "That's not true!" She protested."Well..." she took some time to think,"Maybe he is doing that a bit.."

  "So are you two..." Mara said, smiling.

"NO! We're just friends, " y/n stopped her.

  "But do you like him?" Y/n went silent for a bit."Oh, so you do."

  "No! Well, I don't know, I'm thinking..."

  "Just try to explain the things you do, want, and how you see him, I'll tell you if you like him or not." Maria was so happy to have a night girl talk with her.

  Y/n told her about how they met, the things they talked about, and the activities they did together. She told her about the embarrassing eye incident and how and when he returned the compliment. About how he reacted and treated her when she was hurt, how gentle he had been with her wound, and how good he made her feel. About how they made the party hats together, how they put stickers on each other and about his cute habits when focusing. She also told her about their hugs and how she finds his hands comforting and how his scent and heartbeat are so relaxing. She told her about what he thinks about the hugs. She also told her about how she took his face in her hands when he talked badly about himself and how much it hurt her.

  "That's- a lot," Maria said, smiling. "I'm honestly so happy for you!"

  "There's more.." y/n said, covering her face with her palms

  "Tell me! I wanna know, " Maria said, shaking her shoulders.

  "No, it's so bad..." her muffled voice made its way between her fingers.

  "How bad? What do you mean?" Maria asked, confused. Y/n looked at her and pulled her t-shirt up a bit and put it next to her nose.

  "I stole a bit of his cologne today.." she said, looking down.

B"Oh my god, y/n!" Maria said, covering her mouth and laughing after she felt the smell."That's really bad!-"

  "I know!" She said, crawling into a ball on the bed while Maria was laughing.

  "And you're still unsure if you developed feelings for him or not?" Maria asked ironically.

"Yeah! I don't know, let me beeeee!" She whined while rolling around. Her friend was now on her back, laughing hysterically. "Stop itttt!" Y/n whined again before jumping on her and forcing her into a bear hug, squeezing her while asking her to stop again and again.

  Maria eventually stopped laughing, and y/n let go of her. Her facial expression was exactly like a small kid getting nagged by her older sister, and so was their dynamic at the moment.

  "Remember,just don't rush stuff," Maria said gently.

  "Mhm, don't worry," she answered, getting out of bed. "Want some chocolate?" She asked while opening the chocolate from Valeria. Maria responded with a nod, and they shared the chocolate.

  It was getting late, so y/n decided to go brush her teeth, and then the two decide it's time to try and go to bed. Y/n turned of the light, and the two girls hid under the soft blanket.

''𝐼 𝑇𝑅𝑈𝑆𝑇 𝑌𝑂𝑈'' -König x FWhere stories live. Discover now