Chapter Seventeen: Good Ideas

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"Good morning, sunshine," I say wrapping my arms around Dean and kissing the back of his neck. He stirs under my touch and his chest heaves with a sigh.

He mumbles something into the pillow before turning around in my arms to kiss me on the mouth. "What's so good about it?"

I feel the corners of his mouth twitch up as we kiss and I playfully nibble his bottom lip. "We're getting married."

"Oh yeah. That." He jokes and then sits up on the bed, running a hand through his tousled hair.

"Do you really think it's a good idea?" I say stepping out of the bed and walking over the closet, turning back around to stare at him. He looks so beautiful with the way the morning sun shines over his lean muscles and –

Okay hell no. I am not going to start sounding like some dumb ass romance novel. I, Addison Walker, do not do romance novels. Unless it is to make fun of them.

"Do I think what is a good idea?" He asks, still drowsy from sleep as he slips a gray t-shirt over his head.

"Getting married. Do you really think that it's a good idea?" I ask grabbing a simple black dress out of the closet.

"What idea involving you and me together is ever a bad one?" He smirks and helps me zip up the back of my dress.

"All of them!" I laugh and bite down on my lip to stop myself.

"C'mon not all of them," He laughs and rests his head on my shoulder, wrapping his arms around me. He places his hands on my stomach were I've begun to show. The bump is still small enough that you would never notice it unless I pointed it out.

"Okay, maybe more like 99% of them." I say placing my hands on top of his and leaning my head to the side to knock against his.

"Well," He whispers in my heart, sparking every fiber of my being, "then this will just be the 1% that's good."

"I hope so."

"I know so."


We split up that morning and vowed to not see each other again for the rest of the day. I was going to go get my hair and makeup done and pick up my dress. I had no idea where Dean was going, but that didn't exactly matter to me so I didn't pry.

We were just going to have a small little ceremony in the backyard of my parent's old house, since neither Dean nor I were religious and booking a church such late notice would be an unnecessary hassle. Today was the last day we would be staying here in town, and then off to Lawrence.

The invite list was small and the guest list even smaller. On my side we had my parents, my mom's parents, my only friend from high school Jimmy Novak, Jimmy's wife Amelia, their two-year-old daughter Claire, and Holly serving as my maid of honor. After the monster incident, Aunt Mae was found by the police gruesomely maimed in a supply closet. She was taken to the hospital where she somehow survived her injuries. That woman was crazy tough. Luckily, she didn't remember anything about what happened so Holly just assumed she was mugged while the diner was broken into and "robbed". The cops showed up before the criminals took any money, but two suspects were seen fleeing the scene (they could not be identified, thank god, or we would probably be in jail).

On Dean's side he had Sam as his best man of course, his Dad (reluctantly but with persuasion from Sam) and a man he called Bobby but who seemed to mean a lot to Dean.

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