Chapter Twelve: Screw-Up & Suck-Up

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  • Dedicated to My Capricorn



                “Cassidy?” Lindsey’s soft voice carries though the door.

                “Yeah,” I mumble as I shove my work-in-progress drawing of Jude under my mattress with past scribbled-out attempts. I can never get the look in his eyes just right. Not that I should even be drawing him. It’s just his face is so unique – unlike anything I’ve ever drawn before. I shake my head, trying to fling this nonsense out.

                “Lauren and I got a free pass to go into the outside world. Three people can go and JJ said he didn’t want to go, so we were wondering –” Lindsey’s voice; so quiet that I can barely hear it through the thick iron door.

                “Do you want to get out of this prison or not?” Lauren’s mightier voice carries through with ease.

                “Yes, please.” I say quickly throwing a white t-shirt over my tank top and opening the door. My eyes fall on Lindsey and Lauren, of course, and Dean. My feet trip over themselves again and again in my mind as my body stays still.

                He shoots me an awkward smile, “Driver.” He swings his keys around on his ring finger. A thick silver band rests on that finger. He must have married again. I feel sick.

                “Never mind guys, I actually have a nasty cold and yeah.” I say and hurry behind the door, not being able to close it fast enough.

                I press my ear against the door and hear Dean sigh.

                “She’ll come around.” I hear Cas say from across the room. “You two are just alike.”

                “Opposites attract, man.” Jude jokes, and I can practically hear Dean’s stare into him.

                “Don’t even think about it, Jude.” His voice is strict, but with a hint of affection; a shot of jealously runs through me, but only for a second.

                Lindsey pipes up through the boys’ arguing voices, “Go on ahead, I’ll talk to her.”

                “I think that it’s more my place to –” Dean starts but he’s silenced. For a tiny girl, Lindsey can really pack a punch; must be in the blood.

                When I hear her dainty footsteps I throw myself onto my bed and grab a sketch to pretend to work on. I quickly shove it under my bed when I realize it’s another failed one of Jude. I grab a blank piece and quickly outline some stupid birds.

                Lindsey pokes her head in and attempts to smile at me. Anyone else and I would have threw my pen at them demanding they leave but there’s something about her smile that is just so genuine that I actually shift over on my bed, allowing space for her.

                She skips in and begins to analyze my birds. Like hard core studying them that I feel she learned my entire life story from this one bullshit sketch. “Hey,” is all she says.

                “Hi.” I turn and look at her small face which is swallowed by her thick red framed glasses. She constantly pushes them back up onto their perch on her nose. Her body is also missing in her clothes that hang off her immensely in a size that would cling uncomfortably to me. I think about how her twin, JJ dwarfs her in every size. It’s almost as if he took all the desired traits which left Lindsey with the leftovers. I sympathize for her. I wish I looked more like my mom.

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