Chapter Twenty-One: Over The World

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The third knock finally wakes me up from my nap. I rub the back of my hand into my sleepy eyes and glance at the clock; it's late afternoon. I grab the TV remote off the coffee table and turn off the infomercial that was playing. I suppress a smile at the memory of my first date with Dean. I remember how we got drunk and watched this exact infomercial.

I throw a blanket over my shoulders and walk over to the door. I squint into the peep hole in our door and gasp. I unbolt the door and yank it open.

"Sammy!" I say pulling the tall, shaggy haired kid into my arms.

"Hey Adds," He smiles pulling away from me and looking down at my ever-growing baby bump. "You're getting so -"

"Fat?" I finish for him.

He just laughs and hugs me again.

"Well don't just stand there, come in!" I motion into our small little apartment, "It's not much, but it's home."

"I like it." He says, standing awkwardly in the middle of the living room/kitchen area.

"Sam?" I ask pulling him down onto the couch with me.

"Yeah?" He says still looking around at our apartment.

"Cut the crap. Why are you here? Where's John?" I suddenly pull on my serious "mom face" that I've been practicing.

"He uh... he kicked me out." Sam lowers his head and avoids my eyes.

I place my hand on his skinny back and bend down to look through his hair into his eyes. "Why?"

"Well, Dean came to visit us. We were a couple towns over working a case, you see. And Dad got pissed that he showed up to talk to me and he started to yell at Dean. So they got in a fight and Dad started yelling about Dean and you and I got all mad. So I stuck up for Dean and you, because I like you Addison and you're so good for my brother, but he starts beating on me; so Dean freaks out and Dad kicks me out and I came over here as fast as I could incase Dad shows up." Sam spits out this story as fast as he can without any breaths. His hands jitter unsteadily, and only know do I notice the small cuts on his face.

"Where's Dean?" I ask, suddenly very worried.

"Um..." Sam stutters.

"Where is Dean?" I ask more sternly.

"In the hospital," Sam mutters so quietly he has to repeat it.

"What!" I yell, already looking for my shoes and coat, "Oh my god, Sam."

"Addison, he's fine!" Sam says grabbing my arm, stopping me from reaching my coat.

"He's not fine! He's in the god damn hospital because his asshole father beat him up for visiting his baby brother! He's not fine!" I snap yanking away from Sam and pulling on my jacket and shoes.

"You're not supposed to know!" Sam yells back at me. "He doesn't want you to know so you don't worry."

"Well screw him, Sam." I say opening the door, "Screw him."

Sam doesn't say a word, but he drives me to the hospital anyway.


"Hey, baby." I say, finger combing Dean's hair backwards over his forehead while he lays quiet in his hospital bed.

"Sam." He says with a smidgen of anger laced in his voice.

"Sorry dude. She's even more stubborn than you." Sam says, from the other side of Dean's bed.

"Well, I'm fine so go home." He says obstinately.

"But I just got here, and all that walking..." I feign being tired.

"Whatever." He sighs, but I can hear a hint of his humor and see a bit of a smile.

When morning comes I sign the discharge papers and stifle a laugh as Sam and I watch several nurses try to confine Dean into a wheelchair.

"I can walk for Christ's sake. There isn't anything wrong with my God damn legs!" He struggles, but ultimately loses.

I walk to the end of the hall and press the button for the elevator. When the doors open, Sam takes off in a run, pushing Dean's wheelchair down the hall. He hops on the back and the two of them roll into the elevator just as the doors close.


Dean takes the week off from work and we don't sign Sam up for Lawrence High School quite yet either. We decided to take a vacation.

I pack everything.

We all get into the Impala and drive. Dean drives and blasts his favorite classic rock songs; Sam seems happier than I've ever seen him; I curl up in the back seat and fall asleep.


"Are you insane?" Sam hisses at me from the passenger seat, trying to keep his voice low enough so that Addison won't wake up.

"Sam, it'll take like ten minutes tops. In and out, and she'll never even know the difference." I say waving him off, trying to end the conversation as quick as possible.

"Dean! It's a vampire nest. Do you really think we can just skip off and kill a bunch of vamps without Addison getting just a tiny bit suspicious?" Sam asks, and I recognize it as rhetorical, but I really don't give a damn.

"Sam. Just help me chop of a few heads and then I promise no more hunting this vacation." I almost, by habit, reach over to blast the radio over Sam's protests before I remember that Addison's sleeping. Now I actually have to listen to him.

"No. No more hunting period, Dean. It's not right to keep this from Addison. What if you get killed out there on the job? What would happen to her? You're gonna have a family soon, man. You gotta stop thinking about you, and put them first." Damn. For a whiny, bratty kid he makes some solid points.

"I can't do that, Sammy. Remember what Dad always says? You know, 'saving people, hunting -'" I start.

"You know, you're just like Dad. Don't even try and argue, Dean. He always put hunting in front of us, and now you're doing the same thing. You always said that I always came first and if you still think that than I asking you to stop. After tonight, no more hunting unless absolutely necessary. C'mon Dean. Do it for me. Do it for your daughter and Addison." Sam states.

"I can't do that Sam. Think of all the people that are gonna die, because I wasn't there to save them!"

"There are other hunters, Dean!"

"Hunters? Please, like who?"


"Bobby's old, Sam. He's been hunting since way before we were born. He deserves some retirement, don't you think."

"Who's Bobby?" Addison says sleepily awaking from the backseat.

"Our uncle," Sam improvises effortlessly, "we're discussing a hunting retreat for his retirement party sometime. If he ever retires."

We both fake laugh and Addison smiles half-heartedly.

I would give anything to go and make it a full smile right now.

I love her.

But I love the feeling of saving people more. I love the adrenaline rush that comes with each hunt and ends with each kill.

I look over at Sam and say, "the hunting retreat sounds like a good idea. We should do that more often." And then I blast the radio, over the world.

Carry on my Wayward Daughter: A Supernatural FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now