⌞ five : news ⌝

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"Find the gap, Lu. We can't lose this one."


Friday. It was finally Friday. Somehow, it felt as if I could breathe better. There was just something about the end of the week that made me feel less stressed. And it was a nice day. The perfect Friday. 

"Lula, my love!" 

I didn't cringe today. Nothing could really ruin my mood. Jules had taken me to school since Charles was skipping for some karting race which meant I didn't get a lecture on the drive. I had decided to wear what I wanted, since it was an outside clothes day. Everything was going perfectly. 

"Carmen, hey!" 

"Well, someone's in a good mood." 

"I'm going to find out if I'm allowed to go with Jules back to Monte Carlo tonight," I said, throwing my arm around Carmen's shoulders, her own going around my waist. "That means like, weeks. In my favorite city in the world. With my favorite person in the world." 

"Ah. I see. So you'll just leave me then?" 

I knew she was being dramatic. "I would never. I bet you could talk your parents into letting you go." 

She snorted. "You're probably right." 

I gave her a look as if to say, I know. She just rolled her eyes at me, the two of us walking to our first class of the day. It was history, which meant Monsieur Range. He gave me a soft smile and I gave a polite one back as Carmen and I took our seats near the window. Carmen said that sitting near the windows was better for us since we were stuck in this building all day. I just liked being able to sit in the sun, made me feel better. 

"I don't like this class. But I sit here because he's so fine." 

"Will you stop with that?" I hit her lightly. "He's going to hear you one of these days and then we're both screwed." 

"How are you screwed?" 

"Because I'm your friend. So they're going to assume I'll agree with you." 

Carmen rolled her eyes, taking out her notebook as if she was going to use it. "You worry too much." 

"Yeah, I know." 

The mood changed and I internally cursed myself but made no move to change it. I was done trying to play like I didn't have a good reason to be cautious. If Carmen was going to push it, I wasn't going to lie this time. I was tired of acting like everything was fine. And if I couldn't even tell my best friend, how much of a coward was I? 

"You know I'm just messing with you." 

"I know." 


"Mademoiselle Leclerc, please stay after class." 

I groaned softly to myself, packing my things up. Carmen came over and gave me a good luck pat on the head. I gave her a quick smile, taking my time so everyone could leave before I walked up to his desk. 


"Are you alright? You have been quiet, more than usual." 

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