⌞ seventeen : race ⌝

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"You're not your father's daughter, Lu. You're not anything he ever said." 


The box was nice. After Toto dropped me off, I chose a chair by the window. I could see practically the entire track from here. He didn't lie about it being the best seat on the track. I couldn't believe that Lewis had let me sit here. To give me this seat freely when he had to have other people in mind. 

"Excuse me?" 

I turned around to see someone I didn't recognize. "Salut, can I help you?" 

"Oh, I think maybe. I'm trying to determine if I'm in the right place." 

I stood up, walking over to the lady. She was middle-aged, probably in her thirties. As I walked up to her, she held out her pass. It said box seat and that it was the Mercedes. I looked up at her with a polite smile. 

"You're in the right place, Madame." 

"Ah, you're French." 

I nodded, following her to the seats. I took my own as she took the other, with only two seats near the window. There were couches and chairs up towards the doors. I wondered how many people had passes for this room. 

"It has been a while since I've met anyone from France when coming to this race. Most are Italian." 

I snorted knowing that she was talking about the Ferrari fans. "Oui, that's fair. Are you French?" 

"No, no. Spanish." 

I nodded. "I know a little but not much." 

The lady smiled. "English is just fine, dear." 

We fell into silence after that. There was nothing uncomfortable about it, just nothing more to say. Plus, the race would be starting soon and most of my attention would go to that. I knew I would keep my eyes on Jules the entire time but I would be watching for Lewis as well. 

"I'm assuming that you're rooting for Jules or Jean?" 

"Jules, oui." I turned to the woman. "He's my godfather." 

"Oh wow..." 

I tried not to tell people that fact. A lot of people would take it as an opportunity to be a fan and try to get me to do things for them. Or they would go the other route of, 'introduce me'. I didn't want to do either and Jules hated both. He loved fans but didn't want people using his family to get to him. 

"That means you're rooting for Alonso, then?" 

"Si, I am." 

"He's a great driver." 


There was nothing else to say at that point and I figured that she didn't care to carry out the conversation so I kept myself quiet, eyes on the track. Jules was probably sitting in the corner with his music playing, getting all the time he could before everything was a rush to get on the track. I didn't know what Lewis did to prepare for a race but I could imagine Toto sitting at that table, looking over every possible stat to make sure everything went well. 

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